|Chapter Thirty-Six|

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3 months later

"Please Elias"

"No, Serena!" He yelled slamming his hand on his oak desk.

"I haven't left the house in months" I cried out.

"Do your final exam online!" He tells me.

"Elias it's a practical exam"

"Then I guess you're failing"

"Are you fucking serious"

"Deadly" he replied refusing to look at me.

"Noah can come with me?"

"No I'm not risking it so you can do your silly school" he said

"You promised you would let me do my school!" I shouted.

Noah and Charlotte walked but I didn't pay them any kind.

"That was before you told me what really happened with Steven!"

"Oh my god, I can't keep having this fight with you" I hiss out.

"Tough luck Serena" he seethed.

I knew it was too good to be true, Elias and I went a couple months of smooth sailing no issues, no fights until now.

"Elias I think you are overreacting" Noah intercepts.

"I'm not" he denied.

"Why are you being like this" I asked Elias my eyes were puffy from crying.

"Steven has other plans and I'm not having my queen exposed" Elias said turning away.

"I'm not a chess piece Elias, I need to do this, come with me I don't care just let me do my practical" I managed out.

"You are safe here" he said.

"Did Steven threaten me?"

Elias remained silent and instead rubbed his face in exhaustion, our fights always took a toll on him.

"Serena this is much bigger than us, I just want you to be stress free" I said kissing my forehead.

"Elias I've been stressed with school and my whole next year is set up, I can do it if you'll let me" I quietly beg.

"Serena your only concern is our child" he said touching my stomach in effort to calm himself.

"What's happening Elias" I said quietly.

"Steven has taken over everyone's land, he is saving us for last, Evelyn is in hiding and the rest are dead"

"Oh my god"

"Don't stress Serena" Elias hisses.

"Why didn't you tell me!" I screamed causing Charlotte to cover her ears and Noah wince. I knew Noah and Charlotte was uncomfortable with this conversation but they had to be there, Elias needed them for a meeting. The meeting was revealed to be Steven becoming a tyrant.

"Our vows was your full honesty"

"I promised you my loyalty above all"


"Apparently our marriage is a joke to you" I hiss out. I go to storm out but Elias blocks me easily.

"I want you to stay here, please just for once in your life listen to me" he begs.

"Elias if you had told me in the first place what was going on, I wouldn't be upset. Instead you lie and lie and lie, how much can you lie to me?"

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