|Chapter Nineteen|

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War and vengeance was a fascinating concept for me. His hooded eyes as the vampires walked in. I stood on his left my hand on his shoulder. A little boy walked in causing my eyes to lift in surprise. Hannah walked in arms were unbound. Elias nodded for me to move but I didn't even look for his approval. I ran to Hannah in five or so short steps and embraced her.

"Are you okay" I look at her face and neck and she looked the same.

"I'm fine" she laughs embracing me.

"We apologize for causing an inconvenience but we have been waiting a long time to talk terms" Gavin speaks as Elias gestures for him to take a seat.

Hannah sits on a chair on the other side of his study relaxing. I walk over and sit behind Elias.

"We want a new contract" Gavin spoke.

Noah pulls out a document and reads out the their rule and conditions to follow.  After a five minute long list Noah had finished.

"I want a new contract written" Gavin replies.

"No" Elias interrupts.

"You know vampires are treated unfairly in this society"

"You're stating a fact" Noah interrupts.

"You get witches to lift the daylight curse and we won't feed on humans" Gavin spoke.

"How are we suppose to take you word for it?" My eyes flared at the child vampire.

"We found a new system, we do not speak of rogue vamps" Gavin said.

"So you're telling me you want to create a spell to let you walk in the sun and you can't even have your own listen to you?" I can't help it I laugh.

"Witches are no god send but what your asking is insane" I said.

Elias sighed, his eyes were heavy with stress. The witches weren't sides with us and no chance they will.

"I'm the only witch they got" I spoke out, the child's eyes wander to me.

"The spell requires the power of three witches" Gavin spoke.

"Before you go volunteering you have no experience in witchcraft" Noah interferes.

"You forgot she has a damaged and tormented soul she probably holds more power than three regular witches" Charlotte speaks not looking away from the book in hand.

"You pledge your allegiance to us and we will change the contract and get a witch" Elias concluded.

Elias shakes hands with the vampire, they nod at Hannah who looks away. We sit in a silence as Elias runs his hands through his hair.

"Are you seriously going to have vamps run around in daylight to kill?" I ask not in anger but of mere curiosity.

"Noah what's your take?" Elias asked completely ignoring me.

I was hurt he disregarded me. Noah walked around the room quietly his hand on his chin and began to pace. He was deep in thought, shoulders slacked he shrugged.

"There isn't much to do, I think we need to find two more witches before we do anything" Elias said.

"Well how about we go through the witches spell books" Hannah said for the first time speaking in this conversation.

"Serena does have to learn how to use magic" Noah spoke.

"Absolutely not" Elias growled.

"We agreed Elias there is no point on me sitting on the side lines!" I yell.

"I don't care if I have to go Lucifer himself you are getting your soul back" Elias threatened.

"Really? You are willing to lose your whole supernatural empire because I'm a witch?" I retorted.

I stare at Elias with anger, both of us refusing to stand down. Noah and Hannah awkwardly stood and watched.

Charlotte closed her book in amusement, she sighed loudly and look at us.

"Elias you are being unreasonable, Serena has the power to help you but you being prideful is not helping" Charlotte spoke.

"Noah, please escort Hannah to a room" Charlotte said, she walked over to us and pulled a book out.

"This is a one witch spell which means you can do this spell but it's a lot harder" she spoke.

"Lots of ingredients and three pints of virgin blood is the first thing of many" Charlotte said.

"We could tell the vampires that the spell can be done but only when they play their part" I spoke up.

Elias was shaking in rage minutes before but now he seemed much more calm. He nodded, his eyes returned to its normal colour.

Dawn had slowly crept its way into the study, Charlotte back away from the sun and began to walk out of the room.

"I don't like when we fight"

I look over my shoulder and see Elias, he just looked so tired. I don't blame him, a supernatural war that had been sitting on the fence for the last five hundred years was draining.

"Do you think we will ever achieve any kind of peace?" I ask.

"I've been trying for so long, people won't change, I doubt it we might have to start killing who don't follow order" Elias spoke.

"You want to slaughter?"

"People won't change their minds, Serena it's that or having all factions start killing" he spoke.

I looked over, I couldn't help it. He was right. The words didn't sit well with me, he murdered villages and killed so many. He shook fear into everyone, he was wrath.

"I will burn down this whole world to protect you, Serena"

His dangerous words had shaken me, he would kill everyone just to keep me safe. A murderous man, even vengeful wanted me safe no matter the cost.

His words made me wonder, a foreign emotion that I hadn't felt since my mother was my protector. Elias grabbed my hands his beast within was fond of this touch.

"I don't believe in love or any redeeming qualities in myself. I'm telling you this because you made me want everything I could ever want, I want you a house and picket fence. No women not even Charlotte could of changed that. This isn't the bond pushing me this raw and true feeling" he spoke.

My jaw felt like it was going to drop. I couldn't help it, he there confessing his true feeling I've wanted this whole time.

"I know this bond was unexpected, I'm sorry I couldn't stay loyal to you" my hand reached his face he was tall but his head bent to me.

"I want you forever, please let me"

"Elias, I intend to stay human I cannot change my mind" I whispered.

"Any future children will watch you grow old as they stay the same. Can you handle that?" He asked.

"Elias, please not today" I whispered into his shirt.

I'm still leaning into Elias and for some reason my mind is reeling, the last few days have taken a toll on me. Tiredness swayed me, Elias noticed as he guided me out of the study and watched the sun rays hit the floor.

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