|Chapter Twenty-Five|

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Time heals all wounds, that is a phrase my mother had always told me. The darkness had finally lifted from Elias, the pain and tears that have been shed were no longer an issue. I had truly felt free.

I gave up on the concept of love entirely, the bond was still intact making us both alive and well. But part of me knew dating would never be an option. I have started me new and improved human life, I worked in a office that made me well off, It has been well over ten months since I've seen Elias and everyone else.

I hid myself well, new name and new place. Elias wouldn't be able to find me in London and I made sure about it. Finishing work late I walk three blocks my heels clicking as I walked, it was after six and in my coat pocket sat a handgun. I felt as if someone was watching me making me more alert. I reach my apartment and the feeling was gone, hurriedly I walk inside and lock my door.

My apartment was a one bedroom with a kitchen and bathroom, I closed the door into my apartment and sighed as I drop my belongings on the floor. I felt a rush of nausea and wooziness. Hurriedly I rush to the sink and cough, blood.

"Oh fuck"

My scent was no longer dormant, my body was feeling a rush of exhilaration. Behind my front door, a rush of goosebumps cover my body whole. I knew who was behind the door; the gun that was in my purse I hold it tight to make sure he wouldn't attack me, the door opens and everyone appears.

Elias, Hannah and Noah appeared along with Charlotte with her usual smirk. My gun was cocked and Elias had a stubble he looked exhausted, he held his deep stare.

"Your witch is dead" he spoke.

"I'm aware" my blood stained my lips caused me to bite my lip anxiously.

"Tell me why you left" he walked in and his eyes scanned the room I was living in.

"You don't deserve to know"

I look over awaiting to be slammed into a wall but he squeezed his fist and fixed his cuff. His suit jacket was black with matching pants, usually something Elias would wear. I turn away as everyone begins to look through my apartment. Elias begins to make his way into my bedroom, I instantly block his path.

"I'll leave with you just stop going through my stuff" I reply.

"Your hiding something Serena" he pushes past me into my bedroom.

"Look I've been living here and I have a job" I tell him but he begins flipping my bed.

"What are you doing?" I ask him and his eyes shock me.

"You left me!" he seethed.

"I didn't know you cared" my voice shakes.

"You idiot! of course I care, I ripped apart the world to find you and you are never leaving me" he speaks angrily.

"I did before" I smirk and waited almost craved him to push me hard against a wall.

"Why did you leave?" he asks again.

I look away not wanting to meet his eyes, everyone sits in a long silence.

"I- just can't talk about it okay?" I look away again making him feel the dominance he craves.

"No you single handedly threw a bunch of rebellious wolves and witches at us, tell me why the hell you did that?" Elias questioned me again.

"There's no way you would do that for freedom" he snorts.

"Maybe a mother protecting her pups" he laughed to himself causing me to go pale.

The nausea returned full force, shaking at his words. When Noah looked at me, his eyes widen.

Elias faced away when Noah looked at me and I didn't have time to tackle him. My facial expression gave everything I was holding from him away.

"Elias she was"

The silence followed, shaking with anxiety I wanted to leave this room and deep down I hoped we would never have this conversation. I had thought about this thousands of time and now it was really happening.

"You were.." his words drift off.

"I'm surprised you didn't find out"

Wrapping my black blazer tighter around me, I shaky breath I meet the eyes of a confused Elias. His emotions have always been restricted and very professional but here I saw a broken and confused Elias.

"I found out the day before the attack, I was sleeping well over twelve hours when I regularly sleep six at most, I was vomiting in the late evening"

"You do your work in the evenings" Charlotte realized.

"Where is he?" Elias grabbed me; his hand holding me tight he drops me making me cough heavily.

"Do you a see crib? any baby toys?" I hiss out tears brimming my eyes.

"What happened?" Hannah tiny weak reply.

"The spell was too much on my body and I didn't know until three weeks later" I keep my head down.

"Liar" Elias hisses.

I can't help it a very sarcastic laugh leaves me, Noah and Hannah look at me mildly concerned. I walked into the bedroom and all out a box with an ultrasound and a test; I threw it at Elias and he slowly sinks to the floor.

Elias placed the box down as if he afraid to break it, he closes his eyes and takes a deep breath.

"Funny enough we only came here because Noah is tracking hunters that have something to do with murdering a whole pack and we thought you would have leads" Elias utters out.

"You actually left me alone?"

"Well I didn't know you were carrying my child" he replied.

Sitting in a room with two Royals an vampire and Hannah was uncomfortable. Elias stands up and brushes he shoulders as if the last twenty minutes didn't happen.

"Pack your bag you are coming back to the estate" Elias orders.

"Give me an hour" I reply standing up from the window edge.

"Ten minutes" he calls over his shoulder.

I can't help but sigh and begin to pack only the important materials. It didn't long I look in the middle of the room were a small antique looking box and I put it into my bag.

Elias opens the door ready to yell but I'm ready making him mildly surprised.

I close and lock the door, tears brim my eyes. I suck in a large deep breath and say goodbye to the concept with a life without Elias.

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