|Chapter Twelve|

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Vengeance was going to be served, the night I knew everything was going wrong had gone to the worst measures. I blinked and began to run the opposite direction I knew Kael and Hannah were staying at Kaels mothers. The crippling anxiety did not go away.

Two blocks and past the Chinese restaurant I made it inside and the door was unlocked. I opened the door and Hannah looked at me oddly.

"It's 4:43 in the morning why are you here?" she asked.

"Where's Kael?" I gasped.

"With Meredith?" she said dumb fully.

"Oh no" I mumbled.

I left with another word and pulled out my phone and attempted for the tenth time calling Elias. but I was lead to voicemail, enraged I find Noah's number. My thumb hovers over the number but I truly have nothing else to lose.

"Noah help me please"

"Where's Elias..." he started.

"He went after Kael I don't have time to explain everything that is going on just help me please!" I begged as tears began to pool in my eyes. I stand still when a bunch of leaves scuttle across the empty intersection. This was the place where I met Elias and where planned to kill me, I stand and pray to a god that I hadn't prayed; I've lost hope over the years.

Noah with super inhuman speed is here is seconds seeing me in distress, I feel anxiety grab on to me tight and never lets go, the suffocation makes me squeeze my fists.

"Kael is uptown" I rush out and Noah nods as he gestures me to hop onto his back. Fifteen blocks in the time of twenty seconds I open the door to the small home with a small front yard. I run up the stairs to Meredith's room tears and flooded and I feel the dread of opening the door.

Time is not my friend.

Noah stops me and from that moment I knew, the smell of blood wavered through the door. Elias is standing by the window looks like he is admiring the city, his eyes were red but turned back to blue when he saw me.

Kael remains still as he looks terrified, blood is all over his blue bed sheets. A choked sob escapes my lips making me tremble and collapses beside him. Noah stands at the doorway his face has fallen, seeing me a sobbing mess. Elias look down and saw what he did.

"Achilles had taken over I had no control" he said quietly.

"Kael and so does Meredith and her  mother live here and" I whispered to myself and hurriedly ran to Meredith who was bleeding out on the floor. Stifling a cry I suck a in a sharp breath, taking in a anxious breath I keep going and there on the marble bathroom floor was Meredith's mother her blond hair was stained with blood. I walk back to the room tears had fallen down my face and onto the floor.

"I'm so sorry Kael, I'll remember all the fun times. Thank you for being there for me when no one else was, I forever love you like a friend. May the stars be blessed with your light" I whispered as I kissed his forehead. He's breathing still causing me to lean over him with more tears.

"I'm so sorry" I weep as he is struggling to breathe.

"You'll forever be my first.. love and my last" he voice is rough and he coughs more blood.

"Don't talk okay?" I whisper.

"Serena.." his voice is rough again.

I hold his head on my lap and begin to stroke his hair, he was the first friend I made outside the supernatural world. He was my first true friendship. Slowly his life drifts away as he slowly slumps on to my lap.

I held his head in my arms, Elias growls Noah pulls him away from me. Elias watches me with red eyes.

I held his hand until his last breath, I watch as clock chimed 5 in the morning. I sit and close his eyes and now he looks at peace. He died peaceful yet murdered violently.

"Serena we gotta go" Noah quietly spoke.

"One more minute" I tell him and he remains still, Elias looks distraught.

"Serena.." Elias tries to speak.

"Shut up" I quietly say.


"Did I fucking stutter?" I whip around.

"Hey no need to fight about this right now" Noah worriedly speaks.

"I guess you won, huh? You got whatever is the last of competition you saw Kael was. You know he had dreams, he wanted to pursue journalism. He was going to get a pug and marry the girl of his dreams and you just destroyed his life over a petty jealously?" My words slashed him to his very core.

"I'll never love you, all you do is hurt me" I laugh to myself, I openly laughed at fate.  No jokes but a mockery towards these wolves and their traditions.

"Serena stop" Noah pleads.

"I'm tired of loosing people I love, Elias, I'm damned with you and I have no escape because you won't let me free. I'll be just like women forced to mate and bear your children and I will kill myself because no matter what the bond cannot force love, you and I both know that" I seethe.

"You're right" he spoke up.

"Set me free from this cursed life" I beg, I find myself on my knees begging for the freedom of his misery. Tears swarm my eyes, makeup smeared my high heels digging into the laminate floor.

"I need you" he spoke quietly.

The brokenness of his voice sends shivers of fear. He is wrath he cannot afford to feel emotions like this, he is just overwhelmed as I am.

"You killed Kael I cannot forgive you" I said moving away.

"I'll never leave you" he quietly speaks. He is calm but Achilles is barely held back, he thirst for more blood. A raged filled monster is still present, lingering for more.

"I know but I need space because I want nothing more than to kill you" I spat out.

"You and I are the same Serena" he calls out as I stormed out.

"You hunters are the same pathetic excuse, you lose someone and it becomes your obsession" he smirked as if he had me all figured out. A simple statement that every supernatural being presumes. His smirk made me fill up with rage. Idiotically I fall into his trap of anger.

"No I started because I save people from monsters like you, but this time I lead them to their very deaths so I guess I'm like you, I put all my trust into you and that clearly was the wrong choice" I said my back straightened out.

"This isn't over" he called as I walked out of the house, I gasp and feel the tears come out again.

"It never is"

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