|Chapter Four|

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"Oh honey, you look like you've been ran over by a bus" Hannah says taking a seat beside me in the cafe.

"I haven't slept" I spoke, my eyes blinked again reading the word count on my laptop. I still needed another five hundred words, groaning I lean my head back against the soft chair.

Before Hannah could reply, Kael sat down practically throwing his cheap outdated laptop. Over the time we had been friends we would all laugh at Kael's terrible laptop that his father bought him halfway through high school.

"Guess what!" he said dosing us in heavy sarcasm.

"We're related and look nothing alike?" Hannah said stifling a laugh.

"No, my laptop broke and I need a three thousand word essay done by Monday"

A series of 'ooh's were made causing Kael to put his head in his hands, he started cursing.

"Why me, Higgins would never let me get a extension" he said.

My phone buzzed, I feel around my bag, clutching the device I look and my stomach drops to my stomach.

3 missed calls.

14 messages.

Not caring my friend stares I immediately dial the number, on the third ring I get an answer.

"I see you know what a phone is" was his reply.

"It was in my purse"

What was upsetting was the fact that my friends were watching me, with curious almost ready to pounce and interrogate me with hundreds of questions. What would I tell them?

Telling the truth would cause many problems and I don't think I could deal with Hannah's blabbering about my destiny. The words alone cause me anxiety.

"What the fuck!" Hannah says her eyes widen slightly.

"I met someone"

I never truly did meet any of the Royals and I was grateful until now, the truth would dangerous for my friends. I smiled meekly, grabbing my laptop and place it in my bag I look up.

"Who is he, how old is he, what is his name.." she started to ramble aimlessly.

"Elias and twenty seven" I said shyly, a small blush enters my face.

The mate pull was making itself present, pushing me to him. Even as human the natural pull between us was growing.

"So why haven't we met him?" Hannah says while Kael looks up and smirks. Meredith a friend of Kael's walks over and sits on his lap.

"She's ashamed?" Marlowe says plopping down with a smirk.

"We just met!" I groaned out.

"Which means you guys fucked?" Hannah says with a smirk as she sips her drink.

"No we haven't fucked and I'm going to hold out!" I declare.

"That's what you said with Devon, Jamie and what was the other one?" Hannah said thinking deeply.

"Jacob?" I say waving my arms out.

"Serena you've never been one go past the first date!" Kael says smirking.

"Hey manslut you ain't better than me!" I hissed out.

"I never kiss and tell" he smirks.

"Who's the hottie getting a coffee" Hannah says biting the straw to her drink. A short spout of rage ignites in me causing me to clench my fist.

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