|Chapter Eight|

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As a small child I was taught that death is a man of his word, death will come to you when you call. At age four my father and I went fishing on a lake and I fell over, at such a small age I remember death's embracing my arms telling to give in to the dark temptation, I had stopped struggling and fell into the dark depth of the lake.

My acquainted death was put on hold when my worried father pulled me out of the water, his yelling was muted from all the water in my clogged ears. I remember shivering from the water on a overcast afternoon that slowly fell into dusk.

That day I fully understood the meaning of fear.

Opening my eyes I met an ocean after a storm, his eyes shown nothing but relief when he saw my eyes opened, I had millions of questions racing through my mind. His finger wavered over my lips and I swallowed a dry lump in my throat, Elias seemed to know what was going on when he grabbed a tall glass of water off a coaster.

"Drink it all and you ask as many questions" he bargained me.

I nodded and slowly let the cold refreshing water slid down my parched throat, after a couple minutes I finished the the glass which was now empty. Elias put it back on the coffee table, I looked around and saw I was in the Verro's family estate.

"It's my fault, I am very sorry" Elias looked up at me with pleading eyes.

"I push the bond too hard this time and it hurt you"

"You almost killed me?"

He is silent, there was a time in the darkness I recall a voice telling me to give in, that there was no fight left in this.

"We need to make this work Serena" Elias looks just as defeated as I am.

Looking up at the man I'm fated with his eyes are just as dull as mine, we both don't want this but what we want doesn't matter. In medieval times, werewolves would force the bond on the female. Back then Werwolf females would end up killing themselves because of the males harshness. Now in modern time they have to correctly court their women.

"Our mating bond is the least of our problems" Elias spoke gravelly.

"What can possibly be worse" I hissed out, turning my head to face him he gets off the couch and grabs his drink, he finishes it and slams it down on the mantle.

"Werewolves and vampire are teaming up against us" he mutters.

"If twilight has taught us anything that must be extreme measures" I spoke sarcastically.

"Vampires don't sparkle what is up with that?" Noah enters with a bottle of whiskey.

"Last time they were bloodsuckers that cannot walk in the day and were immortal just like us" Noah chimed.

"Wait wasn't I with Hannah?"

"She found your phone and called me but I knew something happened because I couldn't feel your emotions"

I nodded and stood up but Elias shook his head no. I glared at him and began to stretch, my body ached but I walked out of the room with noah and Elias following. I found the kitchen after going down flight of stairs.

"Can you stop watching my every move?" I whipped around and both men had decided to sit on the stools.

I'm met with silence as I went through the fridge, I pulled out green grapes and some cheese strings.

"Thats an odd combo" Noah counters.

"Fuck off" I said closing the fridge door with my hip.

"So this war your talking about, why is this happening" I said popping a grape into my mouth.

"Werewolves don't like us royals running everything in the supernatural world" Noah said taking a grape from my bowl but Elias swats his hand.

"Let her eat" he warns him.

I smile at Elias as Noah pouts, to himself. Feeling slightly guilty I go into the fridge and get Noah grapes as Elias spoke.

"The other royals aren't pleased that we have been fated together, they believe it's a sham for you a hunter going after the crown" Elias explained.

"Wait what crown?" I looked up from my bowl of grapes.

"If we are going by technicalities Elias is the king of the supernatural world" Noah rebutted.

"Wait Vincent was the one with the crown?" I said whipping around.

"We told you hunters that so you wouldn't come after Elias" Noah said while I couldn't believe what was in front of me.

"You guys are lying!" I insist.

"Sadly we aren't" Noah said popping a grape.

"Oh fuck"

"Yes you my dear are fucked indeed" Noah sings.

"Shut up!" Elias warns Noah.

"So, I'm going to been Queen of all the supernaturals that I've been killing since I was a child?" I mutter to myself.

"how old were you when you started hunting?" Elias says mildly concerned.


"You hunters are a little extreme" Elias said his eyebrows were raised.

"You royals are hard to kill" I muttered.

"Watch it" Elias says as I roll my eyes.

I lean against the counter wondering why vampires and werewolves wanted to fight of the throne, the stupidity of my own question halted me.


"Serena?" Elias called me out of my short trance.

"Elias" I replied.

"Noah and I have been discussing on keeping you safe" he started but I cut him off.

"I don't need protecting if anything those vampires and werewolves should fear me!" I countered.

"Thats funny coming from someone who is barely reaching 5'2" Noah shrugged while a smile enter his features.

I clenched my fist in a sudden anger, I was tired by men defying me as weak and unworthy to defend myself.

"I'm a equal to you" I turned and faced Elias.

"Which makes you an weakness for me" he retorted.

"This isn't the medieval times where you control me, I'm a free women" I walked towards him holding my ground.

"Just because I wont take you the barbaric way doesn't mean I don't follow the barbaric ways" he seethed back.

"So you're implying you will take me against my will then?" I inquired my rage slowly escalating.

He doesn't answer he mouth opens and closes but makes no move to reply, I closed my eyes and storm out of the room.


His answered send shivers down my spine, I heard Noah groan in annoyance.

"Dude you can't say shit like that to your mate!"

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