|Chapter Thirteen|

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Hot wiring cars had been a family teaching since I was able to talk. Walking with only the clothes on my back, I inhale and exhale from the cigarette from my finger as I start up the car. The old Pontiac looks barely able to run but I managed as I pull out of a parking lot. The numbness of the cold loss I felt was slowly ebbing away at me.

Cigarette were my guilty pleasure, they were toxic and a unhealthy habit by Elias brought the worst in me. Old country songs played in the background and I ease into my seat a little more and look ahead.

The long roads weave and turn into different directions. No destination in mind, I knew I wanted to cut any connection to Elias, I could cloak myself from him so he couldn't feel me through the bond. He would only feel my death, the fences of old farms brought back the familiarity of been raised in Colorado. The winters were harsh but the summers were warm and filled with rainy Sundays. As a small child I remember shooting bottles on the fence and getting them each time.

The Carson family was always filled with pride and knowledge of the supernatural beings. Once a month we would hunt, mainly werewolves and vampires. It wasn't often we would kill witches but there were times.

I turn up the radio when I hear the song relax me that I'm here alone, with the bond feeling the frustration through both of us; I felt fatigue. I kept drinking water and finally reached the border, a balding man asks me a couple questions but he doesn't notice that this a stolen car. It even had papers and he lets me through, just dumb luck I get through.

I see the beautiful scenery, the lush green forests reminds me of the many werewolf clans that are covered in this area. Elias and Noah have packs somewhere up here but I don't know where exactly. I keep driving until I reach the destination, I reach a small town on the outskirts of Vancouver. I slam my door shut and walk towards the of a wooden building that looks much like a log house. My feet clack loudly of the floor, my weight creaks as people stare. Fellow hunters look at me most with distaste seeing his claim on my neck.

"I need to speak with Isabelle" the man looks up and places a shot of alcohol in front of me.

"Isabelle" I state again.

"She's not here" he states rudely back.

"She's here if I don't see her in five seconds I will not be pleasant" I hissed out.

"Ian she's good" a women walks out, Isabelle hasn't changed in the years I've seen her. Her long brown hair is poofy and tied up with multiple hair ties wearing a red and black flannel with denim washed jeans, her green eyes shine with sincerity.

"I've heard" she looks at me sadly.

"I need contact with a witch" I ask her.

"All of mine are tapped out and Carlotta is conspiring with the royals and they have something up" she walks behind the bar and grabs two beers.

"Yeah war is brewing with the supernatural beings" I tell her.

"Yeah rumour has it you are the soul queen of the crown" she raises an eyebrow.

"I wish it was just a rumour" I mutter.

"I see, but you don't want it?" She looks at me oddly.

"I kill them why would they want me as a queen?" I laugh.

"Because they can see how passionate you are and you a born leader" Isabelle says.

"I need contact of a witch" I tell her again.

"I'm all out the last one died" she tells me annoyed.

I think deeply wondering how I can reverse the connection.

"Something on your mind?" Isabelle said put her feet up on a wooden chair.

"I want out" I spoke up.

"Every hunter is this room knows that but it's impossible unless he decides he doesn't want you", Isabelle rolls her eyes and places her now empty beer bottle on the table. I squeeze my hands in attempt to clear my jumbled head but it does not ease the pain I feel.

"I can't kill a royal either" I mutter looking up.

"No one has" someone pulls the chair making a pushing sound against the wooden floor.

"The name is Charlotte" her voice was hard, tone less , her eyes shined with mischief as her long red flaming hung on her shoulders she looks over.

"Belmont" her voice adds causing hunters all over the dimly lit bar to tense.

"If you haven't already guessed yet I'm a vampire" her fangs tease the skin of of her lips reminding of her identity.

"Your brother is.."

"Noah" she says his name with distaste.

"I've heard a lot about you" she kicks off Isabelle's feet off the chair to put hers up.

"Funny I haven't heard of you" my voice doesn't waver but holds a heavy amount of distaste.

"You are the one fated with the one and only Alpha King?" her voice sends shivers of anger through me.


Her lips curl, she cracks her knuckles and tilts her head to the side. The bar had quieted down every person was staring ready to watch what was about to unfold.

"I, Charlotte Belmont challenge you Serena Carson your title as Luna Queen" she smirks.

"I reject it"

"You can't do that" Isabelle said grimly.

"The alpha king must be present for this" Isabelle said chewing on her thumb nail.

"Oh he is just outside"

One of Charlottes minions grabbed both my arms and dragged me out, I kicked and threw my legs at them with much power I could muster leaving me exhausted. Taking a few deep breaths I watch as the bar door opens and I'm thrown onto the ground. I hiss out a couple cuss words and watch as the sun is slowly setting.

Looking up I see Noah stare at his sister with a look of disgust. Charlotte clears her throat standing in her designer heels, knowing her she is a vampire and has some numbers on her. Looking up with a deep need to prove myself I take a deep breath.

I pull out a silver knife with a ruby incrusted at the top that shined brightly. Twisting the knife expertly I smiled sardonically.

"Come at me bitch"

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