|Chapter Three|

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My energy was depleting making me weak. I stumbled over another branch and felt my legs wobble. Leaning my head against a tree as this monster walks three short feet from me.

"I don't even know your name" I know all the names of the seven immortals but I didn't know which one. Each immortal has their own sin, ironically the sin is the very reason they are abomination.

He stood stiffly but he turns around and faces me, a dark smile enters his features. Feeling unease I managed to look down. His baritone voice pulls my eyes up.


He didn't need to present his last name; everyone in the supernatural world knew who he was. He was the oldest one, the first born immortal; he killed three villages until he was able to reign his beast in. Vampire and werewolf mix is dangerous, it's barely possible; the body rejects the venom. Only seven other people have survived it, they are feared everywhere.

"No way.."

Rumours we heard Elias Verros was dead centuries ago, my great grandmother killed him. Gasping I look up to see his hands lifted me up into his deadly arms. Most would see this a romantic gesture but in reality he was impatient. Hunters have made him the most important priority to be killed, everyone had thought decapitation was the answer.

Even that won't kill him.

The Verros castle comes into view, I've always heard about it. Hunters know where it is but it was a suicide mission to go against a Royal, they go many names but mainly people call them Royal's or Hybrids. No one talks because they are rare; I shake away my thoughts when I walk inside and see the castle was relatively modern.

Dawn was approaching, in a few short hours my life was turned upside down. My thoughts flicker towards Kael and Hannah who have no idea I'm gone. Bitterness tastes itself in my mouth, I wanted nothing more than to run away.

Silently we walk inside his modern castle, my feet we're caked with mud, my skin was had dried blood. The mahogany floors had my footprints shaped on the pristine floor.

"I can't stay here"

He looked up, his eyes swarm with confusion. Sucking a sharp breath I move a step back.

"I'm in university, I have classes I'm not giving up my life for you"

Usually I was never one to be hesitant with my words, there was a deep need for me to submit.

I spoke with my head down, Elias look up almost amused.

"I don't care that you have school but you have all of eternity together" he shrugged.

"I intend to stay human" I said moving forward.

"I'm not watching you grow old and die" he hissed out.

"Accept my rejection then"

He stilled and I was up against the wall again. For the first time it was me smirking at the deadly hybrid. His eyes glazed it a raging anger. I push the mate bond too hard; his beast has close to no self control. Deep down I should of known better, Elias starts taking deep tantalizing breaths his eyes are closed but his hand doesn't loosen on my throat.

It didn't take long to figure out Elias Verros's sin was wrath. From the look of it, he is fighting for control and seconds go by, his heavy strained breathing catches me. He looks up and gives me an unreadable look.

"Serena" his voice is soft as silk, bringing shivers up my arms and legs.


His eyes darken when I say his name, I'm his mate, calling him alpha would be down right disrespectful. The mate pull is pushing me closer to him, the invisible force is pushing me closer. I can barely fight it, using every bit of strength I have, pushing myself away from him.

"This will only get more difficult" he warns.

Nodding, I look away and see an old clock chime, it's 7:00 on the dot. Elias walks out of the room leaving me in thought; walking back in he makes a gesture for me to follow. Walking up three flights of stairs in led to a large bed room, the room itself was something a celebrity would have. Large balcony doors, a walk in closet and a bathroom.

"This will be your quarters" he tells me.

"I don't want to share a bed with you" is my immediate reply.

"I don't wanna sleep you either" was his quick reply, it felt like a sharp slap. Closing my eyes and opening them again he's leaning on the door frame.

"I have maids so when your done they will grab you your acquired things"

"I have class at noon"

Elias looks bored, he thinks deeply in thought. His eyes wander down my body before he answers.

"I'm aware you've been trained like a hunter so here's what will happen, you'll go to class and when it's done I'll meet you back at your apartment"

"So no body guards?" I said raising and eyebrow, my arms were crossed.

"No, you're strong enough to take care of yourself" he shrugs.

A small smile enters my features, after showering and scrubbing the dried blood, the caked mud, I was clean. My skin ached and itched from scrubbing too hard.

I saw clothes laid out on the bed, pulling on jeans and a loose top I threw my wet hair into a ponytail. Walking out of the room I see a staircase.

Making my way down to the bottom is the staircase leads me to the foyer, although the castle was huge he placed me in a room closest to the exit. In the foyer, Elias stands tall he's been waiting but he looks patient.

"I expect you to call or text me to keep me updated"

Looking up confused, I straighten myself out and stare into his eyes.

"I had a lecture for two hours and I have three assignments and a essay"

"Why didn't you do it" was his mocking reply.

"My friend is now twenty-one so we celebrated" a partial lie, the other reason was to get the rebound after Devon. Not like I would tell him.

"When you're done your lecture I'll be meeting you at your apartment" he warns.

I didn't reply, he was short patience and even thought we are each other's destiny. I knew better than to provoke him, with his claim placed on my neck it will only increase my need for him.

He hands me keys to a nice car and I throw them back at him, driving was never my thing. Although it was legal for me I never truly liked driving.

"Could you just drop me off?" I was beyond tired and I couldn't even go back to bed. With heavy eye lids I out my focus into staying awake. Elias starts the vehicle and begins to drive.

"Love, you are way too tired to go to class" Elias spoke out. He was being kind at all he was telling the truth.

"Yes but I missed my last lecture which is why I'm behind in the first place"

Elias doesn't say anything else but I notice his grip of the wheel had tightened greatly. But no other words were exchanged between us, once my apartment came into view I open the door and waited. Elias says nothing, I sigh in annoyance and slam the door shut, not bothering to give him another glance.

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