|Chapter Thirty-Three|

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I could smell the cheap booze from Charlotte's breath, Hannah sat on the couch in the study. Noah has poured himself another drink. For a long moment I felt left out. Instead I stab the juice box Hannah handed me with a sad smile.

"Are we going to address the elephant in the room?" Noah asks everyone.

"Serena's pregnant?"

"No you idiot, what do you with Charlotte and Hannah" I hiss out.

"Oh yeah, that.." he said awkwardly.

"How can we get charlottes clan leader to abide by the laws?" Hannah said.

"If we go to the council, the witches would not be in favour of you Hannah, you are dead in the eyes of the supernatural world. If we're lucky enough to get a case together, they will review it and make you join a clan of their choosing. If not you are executed by dawn" Serena sighs.

"I've already decided what I'm going to do" Hannah spoke up.

"Nobody has a choice with death and being immortal is not the same as being alive, I will just rectify what has been done" Hannah spoke up.

"Hannah no" Charlotte shakes her head.

"Don't worry Charlotte I'll see you again" Hannah whispers.

"Dawn is approaching and I need to do this, if you stop me you'll make me suffer" Hannah warns Charlotte.

Without another word Charlotte storms out. Leaving the four of them in the study.

"Serena? I wanna go for a walk will you come with me?"

I nod as Hannah gives Noah a big hug and a light kiss in the cheek, he smiles but then frowns.

"Take care of her"

Hannah moves forward to Elias, her face was stern when she had looked at him.

"Please don't name your kid after me" she hugs Elias and she can feel a rumble in his chest. She had made him laugh.

"Common Carson" Hannah calls as they walk out, Serena grabs the machete hanging on the wall and gives the both a grin weak smile.


The time on Serena's phone said 6:47 am her tired eyes and morning routine nausea was present. Silence echoed in the forest tree line, Serena wrapped the cardigan close to her chest as they approached her empty grave.

"You know if I could go back and change anything, I wouldn't" Hannah said. Two minutes until sunrise, it was slowly getting lighter out.

Serena takes a step back shocked, so many deaths had come and gone, so many tragic events lured them together. Serena couldn't grasp Hannah's words.

"You see Serena, I hated what happened to Kael, Meredith and even me. But since you came into my life, I found purpose, I found a deep profound love for life. You may think this is stupid but I may be only twenty-two ; but I feel as if I lived fully. Elias and Noah and even Charlotte have been alive since like.. the wheel. Death scares them. I'm not scared, I should be but you were right in the study. I died, I am not the same person, I craved for blood in people's veins, I crave destruction. The moment I knew it was my time was hearing a tiny and irregular little beat. I could barely make it out; I then realized it was you. I knew before you even knew. I love you Serena and burning into ash is what I want. But you brought the machete because it will be quick and painless. You will never admit it but you love me. You love me like a sister, you never showed it and pushed me away whenever you felt any emotion. I want you to let yourself fall in love with yourself. That's all I ask"

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