|Chapter Five|

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Vibrations tickle my small feet on the dance floor, the numbness I felt when Elias told me about my parents death broke me. Sure we never got along but we were family and I loved them. Even though they were against me going to university they were going to my graduation. I was suppose to see three months from now.

They've been dead for six months and I was still grieving, the man I was destined with killed my family, Hannah was cheering as she danced with another guy her head flopped back as she could barely stand.

"Cheer up!" Hannah said pouting holding on to the guy who was dancing slightly.

"I'll try" I laughed as she handed me a pink drink.

"Trouble in paradise?" Kael says leaning against the pillar.

"Serena Carson you are the girl who never fails to surprise us, you're a mystery."

"I'm glad, I mystify you" smirking, the music is loud, holding a conversation was close to impossible.

"You and Elias break up?" he asked casually.

"Yeah he did something unforgivable"

"Like what?"

"Can't say"

"Let's take your mind off him, look at the guy nursing the bourbon" he nudging me.

"Let's hope he isn't pretentious" I said back.

"The bourbon is the risk you're going to be taking" he said smiling.

Weaving through the people, I'm bumped into shoulders, elbows, until I reached the bar the guy finished the rest of his drink. His eyes wandered, his sandy blonde hair caught me.

"Hey" he said with a smirk.

Biting my lip I let my finger trail down his chest, my thoughts kept roaming towards Elias. What was he doing? How would he react?

He aimlessly crossed my my mind, the man who's name I hadn't known followed me to the dance floor, his eyes shined with desire. Me being human I could fight this pull and knew Elias wouldn't mate me, I wasn't suppose to his mate.

"Wanna get out of here"

Every single cell in my body that was fighting this, I needed this.


Birds chirped outside the window making me cuddle closer to the person, I felt a sticky warm substance between me. Groggily opening my eyes, I held back scream when the man I slept with was bleeding out.

Covering a hand over my mouth I held back a cry; out of the corner of my eye I see Elias walk own with a deadly look. His eyes were glazed with anger, his fist were clenched. I saw my hands were covered with blood along the side of my body. Anxiety wrapped itself around me, Elias merrily smirked at me.

"If you have done your research you would know my acquired sin is wrath, I've killed any man that had bed with you" he advances towards me.

"You wanna know the number Serena?" he moves closer causing me to pull the covers.

My lip quivers causing a slight change in Elias's body language, but he remains stiff and anger still radiated off him. He was going to say the number that I hated.

"17 men Serena"

Keeping my head down, I stare at my bloodied fingers. That man didn't deserve such a fate like that, his eyes were opened he looked like he was about to clean but Elias had beaten him to it. Throat was slit almost perfectly causing nausea to creep at the back of my throat, heavy breaths I look an see Elias having a phone in his hand but made no move to leave.

"Most of the men were already dead" he says disgusted at my actions.

"You hunters really have nothing to loose?" he queried.

"Your words don't hurt me, Elias" I spat his name as if it was toxic to my tongue.

"They should, I'm destined with a whore" he speaks down to me.

"I'm destined with a heartless murderer" I snap back causing him to glare.

"Wash yourself, were leaving" he orders me.

"No" I glared.

His hands had snaked around my neck, pushing my against the wall his eyes shined with red.

"Down doggy" I wheezed causing him to strangle me more.

The mate pull snaps at him causing him to drop me, he wanted me to submit, causing unease he looks almost at war with himself. His eyes changed red again when he saw my naked body, I pulled the bloodied sheet and grabbed my clothing and went to the sink and washed the blood off my hands.

He was walking ahead, he had long strides, I wanted to care about the guy but there was nothing I could do, I pushed the bond too hard and there was consequences. A BMW was already parked out front, Elias opens the door for me and slams it aggressively.

"Hello Serena, I'm Noah" he says waving through the mirror.

"Hi" I said not looking at him and he understands, he knows how tense Elias is.

Silence envelopes the car, no words were bothered to be exchanged. I start going through my bag and open my phone to seeing a couple messages. Instantly replying I see Noah and Elias are snickering at something.

"I forgot about the last time we went!" Noah says holding back a laugh.

After awhile I stopped listening to the what the boys were saying, I watch the sky hung over an overcast grey. Elias being impatient as he was decided it was faster flying. Of course him being immortal he managed to obtain millions of dollars.

The private jet made me wanted to vomit, starving children barely can eat and yet Elias is rich not worrying for his next meal.

Before I can argue Noah appears and shakes his head. As if he knew I was going to get mad at Elias, shaking my head in distaste I sit down and Elias and Noah go into a deep conversation about the witch Carlotta.

Watching the clouds move slowly through the sky was fascinating. Tiredness sways me, leaning on the window I let the sleepiness consume me whole.

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