|Chapter Twenty-Three|

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For the second time today blood poured on the battle field, Charlotte fixed her loose red curl and smirked at the dead wolf at her feet. Noah's beast had always fascinated Charlotte, her brother moved with grace that made her beam at him with such pride.

Charlotte looks over and sees the witches starting to run away, she can't help but smirk. She always loves killing witches. Using her inhuman speed she holds a fully sharpened machete and cuts heads off .

Blood pours of the battle field more, but over time the number thing as Vincent saves her from a wild vamp. Leaning back she sighs hating to be thankful.

"Thanks" she mutters.

Vincent's light brown hair was covered in blood, his smile is what caught her off guard.

"No problem, love"

Charlotte didn't have time to flirt as she can see a savage wolf advancing towards her.


After the hours of battle the royals felt a wave of exhaustion, Noah drops his machete and runs his hands through his hair. Hannah walks out and her eyes widen.

"What's going on?" Elias sighs.

"Where's Serena"

"Noah put her in the basement" Charlotte says as they all begin to venture inside.

"I'll grab her" Elias speaks.

"Actually she will be very upset, maybe I should" Hannah pipes up. Elias wants to argue but he understands, he knows the conversation he is waiting for when he sees her.

Noah hands her a key to get downstairs and Noah follows, as they walk down. Noah stops Hannah, his hand on her shoulder chasing her to look up.

"How well do you know Serena?" He suddenly asked.

"Pretty well, I mean Kael was her best friend but like a close friend, why?" She asks.

"Serena was freaking out when I put her in there" Noah explains.

"It's typically Serena, I mean she is trained to kill and you put her aside" Hannah pipes up.

"Something isn't right, like she was crying and asking why she isn't loved" he shrugs.

"Maybe she wanted to be in there?"

Both stare at each other horrified, Noah and Hannah hurry down the stairs with fear. Hannah jumps the last step as she twist the deadbolts and finally Noah slides the key in.

The door opens with a slam, with much regret they see a trashed room with blood smeared on the wall. Tables broken books sprawled out Hannah knees feel weak. Hannah slowly walks in with Noah following, she can see a book and she blinks and realizes what she's done.

"Noah you aren't going to like this"

"How can things get worse?" He whined.

"She made a portal and made her scent dormant"

"Oh fuck me" Noah moans out hitting his head on the wall.

"She knew how to use her powers the whole time then!" Noah bursts out.

"This a very complicated spell" Hannah mutters reading the ingredients.

"She must of knew we would put her in there and she pre made the spell it just needed to be activated" Noah realizes.

Hannah and Noah slide down the floor, both lost for words. Nothing but silence, Noah holds Hannah's hand.

"Elias is going to be so mad"

"She's a deviant bitch" Noah mutters.


Elias Verros was a one night stand guy, no attachments. He liked his whiskey neat, right at this moment he hates Serena Carson with a burning passion.

Sitting in the office where she sat just a few hours ago. He downs his drink while Charlotte nervously paces.

"She must of planned this out months ago!" She insisted.

"She sent those rebellious supernatural beings as a distraction" Elias runs his hands through his face until everything makes sense.

He aches, he hurt her but he doesn't know how to love. His mother died when he was young and his father was a drunk and beat him for the hell of it.

A year with his destiny and that's all it took to push her away. He remembers seeing her at the intersection smiling. He missed that smile and wishes he could make her smile instead of cry.

He offered to let her go but that pushed her even further away. Elias was on his fifth drink and Noah had started drinking.

"I had no idea what she was planning" Hannah quietly spoke up.

"Because you're not Kael" Charlotte spoke up.

"What's that suppose to mean?"

"Serena doesn't keep you close" Noah offered.

"I've done nothing but help you guys, you know what, fuck you Charlotte. You know you won't let anyone close to you, don't bother calling me" Hannah grabs her bag.

"I never had it saved"

Hannah walks out without another word leaving two royals and a vampire. Noah and Elias stay quiet as Charlotte walks out slamming a door. Causing a slight shake within the walls.

Noah watches as Elias stares into the fire his eyes unmoving, Noah doesn't have much to say. Elias suddenly snaps and throws his glass across the room. Books fly, a heavy oak desk and thrown. Noah stands aside and watches wrath fill with pain.

"I loved her, I wanted her and ruined her just like Elizabeth"

Noah stops and looks at him, he hasn't heard that name in centuries.

"Her death hurt me but Serena leaving is killing me inside" Elias utters out.

"A useless fling ruined love for you and now you pushed your destiny away and I don't blame her, you killed Kael, you killed her parents you push her away and then charm her again" Noah slams his hand into a wall.

"Elias you have flaws accept that! You lack compassion and caring for Serena, she shed too many tears from you!"

"You will never be truly happy because you ruined something that could of turned into something truly beautiful and now she's a walking hurricane" Elias leans down a feels a salty teardrop fall down. Noah sits down and holds his best friends shoulder, he could feel his raw emotion. Elias lacked all that and now that she is gone he can't help but have the only words of advice for him.

"Let her go Elias"

Wraths VengeanceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora