|Chapter Nine|

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"Serena, open up; did I mention I was sorry!"

I laid on the overly comfy bed making my body wanting to ease in it more.

"Serena my wolf is becoming restless", Elias warned through the door.

I leaned against head board and slowly moved my legs and made my way towards the door and I hear the sound of multiple bones cracking and a groan of approval. I opened my bedroom door and saw him, well a wolf.

I glance at him but not staring for too long, a giant wolf that barely fit through my doorway walked in with an arrogant smile on his wolf face. Ignoring him I slip into bed, Elias whined at me.

"Stay on the floor, if you come into bed I will neuter you!" I warned.

Elias growled at my comment but he instead of laying down he raced out of the room, I stood up and heard crashing throughout the house but a howl from the outside, I saw what looked like a brown wolf with grey speckles that had the eyes the resembled Noah.

A small smile entered my face as I locked my window and doors, for the third time I was back into bed sipping my water I sunk into my pillow, but sleep never wandered to me. A deep part of me wanted to explore the vast forest that seemed to call for me. I knew it was the bond pushing me. I slowly walked out of the room my book clutched in my hands as I went down the spiralled stairs I go to the kitchen first grabbing water bottles for the boys and make my way to the back deck.

The porch light was shining down on the book with somewhat decent lighting, after twenty minutes of reading the same paragraph I see Elias and Noah walk up in running shorts and both were shirtless. I hand him a water, Elias gives me an odd look but doesn't question me.

"Thanks Serena" Noah smiles, I return it but Elias growls lowly at me.

Noah walks away suddenly leaving me and Elias alone, he is standing still. He is unsettled that I addressed Noah. I hold his hand and he looks up at me surprised again, I want to scream and throw a tantrum but that leads me to pain.

We watch as the moon shines through the tree lining, its a very romantic setting but none of us move. The confession is slipping through my lips barely able to be let loose.

"I don't believe in love" I mutter looking down, my confidence had left me, deserted me in my time of need.

"Every human desires that" Elias said speaking, his voice was off.

"My father cheated on my mother after I was born and never said anything until we were all in Montana visiting my uncle Jem" I feel at ease a secret that bubbled into my chest that consumed me.

"They were very much in love and he still did it" the words silence us.

"I wont be like him" he said clutching my hand.

"I promise you now that I would never intend to hurt you in any way" his hand fit mine perfectly.

"Serena I know you've fallen in love, you're a girl who rather push someone away than to free truly happy for once. Let me in Serena, yes this isn't the best situation but I know you are the girl that thrives for a new adventure and finally be content and I can do that" his hands find into my hair. He is smoothing out the tiny knots near the end of my hair. I doesn't hurt just slight tugging.

"Elias, since I was a little girl I told myself that I would rather fall in love hundreds of times then be alone, because after a heartbreak there will be happiness at the end of that long road"

"So do you want to try this out?" He nervously asked.

"Don't hurt me"

"I promise"

Imagine waking up to some one you've been hating for weeks and now you are somewhat civil. Instead of a burning hatred it's just waking up normally. He slept in my bed but was gone by dawn, the clock said it was just after ten.

Putting my hair up I get out bed and look out the balcony, I see that there are five people below talking seriously. I put on sweat pants and my university long sleeve shirt, making my way down the stairs rising voices.

"You seriously can't be considering their offer!" a women yelled.

I reached the bottom of the stairs and Noah was perched on the island not sitting on a stool, eating a bowl of cereal. He was wearing sweats like me but he didn't feel like wearing shirt.

"Seriously Noah wear a shirt" I hissed annoyed.

"I second that!" the women who was arguing with Elias turned around.

"Common Evelyn its not the first time you've seen me shirtless" he raised an eyebrow.

"Noah shirt, my mate is present" Elias spoke in a clipped tone.

I stuck my tongue out at him causing him to roll his eyes. I began to pull out kitchen stuff to make pancakes, Noah was back alarmingly fast.

"Ooh you're going to make pancakes?" he sat on the stool this time.

"Yeah" was my reply as my eye kept wandering to the girl talking Elias, I felt a surge of jealously but kept it down. Her eyes wander down his shirt making me squeeze the whisk harder than I intended. I took a deep breath while Noah just smiled.

"Someone's jealous" he said in a sing song voice.

"I will kill you" I warned.

"Already tried still haven't found a way yet" Noah mocked.

"Who's all here anyways" I spoke nonchalantly.

"Well its been a century or two but all seven of us" Noah said grabbing some bacon off a plate.

I froze and Noah noticed and looked up and my face had paled.

"Get me out of here" I hissed.

"Elias said you would be safe" Noah shrugged off.

"You don't understand!" I frantically spoke, all seven were here.

Without looking back I leaned my back against the store and turned the element off and bolted out of the kitchen without looking back.

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