|Chapter Eighteen|

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"Do we have a deal?" Noah asked the witches who remained quiet.

"Serena you of all people understand to take care of your own kind".

Elias and Noah both begin to the stance for attack as the witches fire spells in different directions, ducking below Elias is thrown against a tree, Noah is knocked out. Pulling out my gun I shoot which slows her down, her cat like eyes catch me of guard as she threw a purple ray of light at my chest knocking me down. Her bony skinny fingers had touch my forehead. She dove deep into my mind without warning, my head began to ache as the vision she gave became more vivid.

The room is dark, blinking multiple times I see Noah bloodied, his heart rate drops. A certain type of wood is stuck in his chest his eyes look glassy and teary but he lets out a shuttering breath and just like that he is gone.

The witch stands over me and Elias eyes flicker in my direction, taking a deep breath I whisper the words "Angelus Mortis" the witches yell scream as a black fire ignites within them enveloping and closing the area where the witches once were.

"Serena.." Elias pulls me to him.

"How could you do that" Noah mutters.

"She gave up her soul" Elias hisses the witches that were around us were now just a small pile of ashes.

"What did that witch do to you?" Elias asked me.

I sat down deeply and thought, it was just mere seconds ago and I just couldn't remember.

"I think she just stunned me" I say slowly.

"How could you give up your soul!" Elias suddenly yelled.

"Because it was twisted enough for that Elias! it was that or die!"  I hiss back to him but Elias is to livid to have words come out.

Without think clothes shred off and his beast Achilles has come out, a black wolf is snapping his jaws and is completely feral.

"Serena run and don't look back" Noah shouts and just like Noah is a beast and forcing Elias to submit.


"Gavin is the name" the boy moves towards Charlotte offering his hand as a kind gesture but she denies it. Hannah has become paler, pushing away she bits her wristband shoves blood down her throat, she coughs it out and slowly her skin is returning to its regular colour.

"Charlotte Belmont saving a mortal girl, who are you?" Gavin smirks cracking his knuckles.

"I've heard some rumours and if you answer them you'll be free" Gavin offers.

"I'm not your little rat" she smirks.

"Well us vampires need to know whats going on to choose a side" a guy calls from behind the crowd.

Charlotte looked at the group of vampires, she had no idea what side to choose.

"My brother is on the winning side" she declared. Hannah's eyes begin to open, for some odd reason Charlotte felt relieved.

"What makes you say that" Gavin inquired.

"You question your king who has killed hunters for you guys, eliminated all the hunting families and even abolished old laws for you"

"Understand this, the vampires have been struggling for years, we have no seat on the council" Gavin replies.

"Look if you side with us and give us numbers you can negotiate with Elias" Charlotte holds her poker face.

"We've been alive for a long time we can't just trust your word, Charlotte" Gavin spoke, his eyes slowly moved towards Hannah.

"We have to make sure Elias is more than willing to negotiate with us. We will meet you at the Verros estate in three days time" Gavin finished.

Charlotte gets to go grab Hannah but the vampires stop her. Charlotte begins to feel panic.

"Let me stay and just send her please"

"A deal is a deal" Gavin spoke.


Elias Verros was livid, I knew it and everyone else knew. He clenched his fists and watch me with his eyes. The silence was more than uncomfortable, no one would meet each other eyes. Noah was sitting on the desk where I was standing by the fire place. Elias was pacing his finger holding around the glass.

"Were you dropped on your head as a child" Noah helplessly asks, breaking the silence.

I looked over to Elias, he downed his third scotch. Noah was nervous for many reasons and I don't blame him. Noah goes to leave the room quietly but Elias was now holding an empty glass. Without another word he throws the glass across the room, the glass shattering everywhere. A part of me didn't want to clean it and walk away but Elias's thundering voice quakes the room.

"You don't think!"

"You waltz around with your arrogant hunter attitude and now you have no soul and internal damnation!" He is shaking with rage. He is barely keeping it together.

"I had no choice! You can't pin this all on me! You and Noah could of been dead and those witches can get creative" I shouted back.

Noah seemed distressed but stayed back and kept his mouth shut.

"You know you have a death sentence with your soul gone" Elias now spoke quietly which had scared me.

"Look I'm sorry, I thought irrationally and now I have to pay the price" my words were forced it felt like the bond was pushing me. Elias has seemed to calm a little with my submission and admitting my wrong doing.

"I'm on your side we can win this war" I spoke quietly my head down.

An awkward silence follows, I lean into him and we hug. Noah then jumps and joins the hug too.

"This progress for you guys, I'm just so proud" Noah said full of sarcasm but a smile reached his face.

The door opens and Charlotte enters, her eyes find mine but she holds remorse. Her red hair is disarranged her face shown distressed features. She refused to meet my eyes causing unease. She fumbles with her jacket, for the first time she looks vulnerable.

"I'm so sorry the vamps want everything on their terms.." her voice trails nervously.

"Where's Hannah?" My voice falls into empty air. Charlotte cannot meet my eyes that's when I knew.

Without a thought I lunged but Elias grabbed me and held me painfully tight; with no intention of letting go.

"The leader wants to meet and make conditions" Charlotte started.

"But they wouldn't let you walk away unless they you be sure you would meet with them" Noah concluded.

"Well fuck!"

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