|Chapter Two|

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Evergreen trees blur by as I run aimlessly through the damp, lush forest. Part of me wants to admire the scenery, but being chased by a rabid wolf was slightly distracting. Running 30 minutes left me near the suburban area, the further I ran the less civilization I was seeing.

Twigs were snapping as it sliced thinly on my ankles and up my thighs. The pain didn't bother, with all my energy I push away from the hungered beast. His jaws also got my ankles but adrenaline held my hand as we ran together.

Wearing nothing but a thin black piece of lingerie dress was loose and had been caught on tree and had holes forming. Gasping I lean myself against a tree and the light thudding of paws and drawing closer. I knew the beast had shifted right when I started running. Throwing the beast off guard I would rub my scent on different trees. Making it slightly harder to track me, the thought of climbing a tree but the beast could use that to his advantage.

It will only be a matter of time before he will find me, running will only encourage the beast to claim me. My parents would be rolling in their grave seeing me in this situation. He cut me off, he was now growling and hackles raised the wolf stares at me. The beasts memorizing eyes had caught me off guard.

The werewolf, the one I watch turn from human to beast in the span of three seconds terrified me to the core.  He's watching me with haunting eyes, I slowly back away and he snaps his jaws, he's warning me to not overstep my boundaries. More thudding and howls more of the beasts pack had come to help him claim me.

I watch as more wolves surround me, he brought them to ensure I cannot run, they can put me in my place. He morphs into his human form effortlessly, bare naked he stares at me.

"Don't even try to run again" he ordered, other withered in his gaze but I stare at him.

"You psychopath!" I screech causing the beasts to stare at one another in concern.

"Name calling isn't nice" he taunted, his gaze didn't waver.

"I'm aware of your kind, leave me out of it" I snarled, my words hurt but he looked unaffected by them. He moved a step where I take one back. He actually wants this, my anger doesn't reside when he speaks.

"Look here Serena" he spits name out like it's toxic.

"If you're aware of my kind, you must know the legend of the seven deadly creatures that roam earth", his voice radiates power and destruction.

"Oh god" my hand instantly covers my mouth in dismay, his haunting words drag me down into a pit of despair.

"Looks like you're my destiny"

His words mock me, mother and father would yell at me for being fated with such a beast. I don't back down, staring up defiantly I open my mouth to speak.

"I, Serena Carson-"

"Don't. You. Dare" I shivered under his menacing gaze and his lips rise up to a deadly smirk.

"I will never accept your rejection anyways.. my love" he mocks me again. He think the whole concept of our destiny is plain hilarious. A long line of famous hunters destined with the immortal beast.

Rejection for wolves was only a way out if another wolf mated with another women that was pregnant. It almost never happened but it freed the one that was trapped. The only way was if the beast knew he wasn't worthy of his destiny.

"How ironic, the last Carson alive is my mate..." he laughs at his own obscure situation.

"I refuse this" I snarled.

Seconds tick by and I feel myself being pushed up a tree the bark digging into my skin, I can feel blood slowly sliding down my back. The running was taking a toll on me, the pain is slowly making itself present.

The beast doesn't hesitate, half shifting his razor sharp teeth just barely touch my neck. Panicking I clench my fist and get a good punch, on the side of his head. He withdraws himself before lunging at me.

Teeth out and pressed against my neck I can feel his teeth breaking through my skin. I couldn't help but scream, my gaze meet the pack members that had surrounded him and I, women give me looks of pity; while others cheer. Tears slowly slide down my cheeks, whether I liked it or not, I'm bound to him forever.

He drops me on the floor as if I'm nothing, but the beast smirks at me as if I deserved it. No one deserved this, shaking I slowly stand up and meet my eyes with my new found destroyer.

My shoulder is leaned against the tree my whole body weight depending on the tree. No words would explain my new found horror, he forced me to be with him. I would have his children, my children would be just.. like him.

I wanted nothing more than to scream and throw things until my throat was raw. Life isn't fair, I've always understood that but here I am paying for my parents mistakes. University would be nothing, my hard work.

Being a Carson put an immediate target on my back, it was taunting. I always had to watch my back, leaving home was never a regret in my mind but in the eyes of my parents they saw me as a disgrace. They wanted me to hunt and I just couldn't, I hated it.

I feel a burning pain on the right side of my neck, I grit my teeth and watch as the other pack members congratulate him. Watching this monstrosity of nature roam the earth irks my inner desire. Born into a long line of hunters with a mission to rid the world of evil. I watch as my destiny moves with such grace but a deep anger resides in me, I cannot avoid him forever.

My body has recovered, but in a few short minutes I will be fighting with my inner thoughts. The mate pull will push me towards him with all it's got.

There is no mate pull if I'm dead

I find myself in a mental tango with my inner self, I push myself off the tree and force myself to run once again. It takes two and half seconds for the people to see I'm moving, I'm so close.

I push myself onward and see the jagged cliffs that look over the Verros family castle. Just one leap.

He is too smart for his own good, he realizes what I'm doing and catches me, three feet away. I ache, my thoughts were jumbled and I had to act on impulse.

"Amber and Simon Carson taught you well" he muses.

"Don't you dare!" I hiss.

I'm fighting against his strong body, I know I'm mated against my will by an alpha. I have no chance against one of seven deadly hybrids on earth.

I was his mate.

The worst part is I couldn't do a damn thing about it.

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