|Chapter Six|

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The city was breathtaking, the jazz music brought a smile to my face while Noah gave me a weak smile. We had checked into a hotel in the French quarter, the hotel itself was modern nothing too extreme it was just a simple three star hotel. My eyes wander around and without thinking of the words that left my mouth.

"The history is so rich here, I was studying the history of New Orleans last semester" I spoke excitedly.

"Never pegged you as a history geek" Noah chuckles, his hands slide into his pocket as we slowly walk away from Elias who clutched a phone a to his ear.

"I never thought I would be having a civil conversation with a Royal" I retorted causing him to laugh.

"I'm surprised you never tried to kill Elias" he said holding back a smile.

"You can't be killed and I want to live" I said.

Elias walks out putting his phone in his back pocket. His eyes had darkened scanning over my body.

"Change" he speaks with authority.

"Why? I'm wearing a dress", the dress was tight at the top and flowed out. Covering the cardigan across my chest Elias sighs and mumbles something incoherent. Noah opens the door for me and Elias as we begin to wander the city.

Without warning Elias pulls me into his arms into a brief hug and kisses my left temple and walks away.

"What was that about?" I uttered causing Noah to shrug at me helplessly.

"I need a drink"

"Same!" He cheers.

Finding a bar took a total of thirty seconds following Noah through a crowd of tourists, who were awing at a old beaten down church an old middle aged man who was balding was going on about the witches. Walking past them we reach a bar called 'clarens' the a was burnt out. Pushing the double doors inside the smell of cheap booze and cigarettes great us.

We sit at the bar when a busty bartender who was gracefully entering her fifties, hair was wrapped up a bandana filled with multiple colour jewels. Her ethnicity showed her lightly tanned skin, but what surprised me was her bright blue eyes.

"What can I help you with" her tone was low but her southern accent brought me back to looking at her.

"Four shots of your finest tequila" Noah purrs his voice unwavering.

She nods and sets the glasses down and begins her task. She looks up and places the bottle down, before she starts to wipe down the bar with a rag and chemicals soaked in it.

"Why did he hug me" I whined my heads feels cool on the wooden surface while Noah stares ahead deep in thought.

"The mate pull is pushing him, he can only fight so much" he replies downing one shot before continuing.

"He feels emotions he hasn't felt in centuries, he doesn't know how to cope with it"

"It's ironic he's going to try and sever our bond" I reply taking two shots back to back.

"I'm concerned that you're good at this" he points at the shot glass.

"I'm a broke university student?" I stare at him the burn of the shot still resides in my throat. The bartender notices as she places a water with a lemon floating on top. Her eyes are unfocused, she does her boring tasks but she place a straw and our hands touch.

Eyes rolling back she gasps just like a fish out water would do. Lips smacking she stares ahead.


"Yes?" Was my hesitate reply.

"With such a fate you deal with wrath, there is no way out" she sneers the last words out. As she speaks the world spins, gripping the bar Noah follows as we rush out of the bar with patrons staring as we go.

"She's a witch" I mumbled against a pole, the cool metal does not make me relax as the smothering heat comes down.

"Serena..." Noah calls out almost unsure.

Following Noah we move around the people sluggishly as we push forward until we see the river, it's not far. My hazy mind deludes me from seeing ahead.

"Noah what's going on?" Fatigue presents itself.

We stop once we reach the river, blinking several times Noah and I rub our eyes in disbelief.

On the river we see a boat with many colours it's almost overwhelming. Noah and I exchanged a glance, his lips pursed slightly. Acrobatic dancers appeared swinging on high vaulted poles, clowns danced and made funny faces, an elephant balancing on a ball.

"Is that a circus on a boat?" Noah said squinting his eyes almost unsure.

"I'm seeing the same thing as you, Noah" I uttered our eyes didn't remove from the boat on a circus on a river.

"Maybe we should hop on the boat?" Noah suggests.

"That is the stupid thing ever.." I watch as as a man on the farthest corner of the boat, a women starts swallowing a sword.

"Let's do it" as the words left my lips; a ramp slams onto the grass causing a slight thump.

Cautiously we advance up, once we reach the deck everyone is gone besides the acrobatics as they swing back and forth a giant net lays above us.

"Maybe we can find a palm reader?" I suggest.

"It could be a scam?" Noah replies.

Instead of a snappy remark we slowly see a couple clowns appear juggling, I wanted nothing more to run off the boat but palm reader could easily glimpse in the future. As if everyone was hiding they had come out and began to do their acts.

A clown honks a horn causing Noah slight discomfort, he wedges himself away from me.

"Do you have a palm reader?" I hesitantly ask the clown.

The clown with white foundation caked on his face and his over used red lipstick nods eagerly. He doesn't speak but ushers us to follow him. After passing the giant net where the people swinging laid a white solid door across the net. The clown bows his head and offers his hand to Noah, still in his drugged daze he takes it and he jumps when he feels a shock.

"I hate clowns" he muttered as the clown bounced away happily.

Nervously we pull ourselves the door, we opened it and a hallway appeared. There were not other doors but one at the end of the hallway.

"This is kinda weird" Noah said scratching his head.

"Weird doesn't even cover it" I answer truthfully.

The second door comes to view and confidently I open the door to find a women, long braided hair. Dark brown eyes with very pale skin.

"Hi you must be Serena, I'm Carlotta"

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