|Chapter Thirty-Five|

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Evelyn smirked at Noah who had been shamelessly flirting with her all night, her cheeks were tinted pink from three bottles of wine. Noah held her hand and opened the door to the estate front door.

"You remember where my quarters is" Noah purrs into Evelyns ear.

Noah walks into the living room to get to the wine cellar when he saw a very naked Serena.

"Oh my god" she cried.

"Don't stop just cause I'm here" Noah smirked.

"Aren't you with Evelyn" Serena countered covering herself.

"Yes she wanted to see my new headboard" Noah smirks.

"Go away, Noah" Elias calls out.

Noah left the room with a smile on his face as he went up to his room to see a very naked Evelyn displayed nicely on his bed.

"So where is that nice headboard you were bragging about Belmont" she said with a sultry smile.

"In front of you and you better hold on for dear life because I won't go easy on you" he said taking his belt off.

"You never are"


I woke up to my morning routine, I sat on the bathroom floor and leaned my back against the bathtub when Elias entered.

"Was that potion working?" Elias asked.

"Yes but I ran out of dried root" I barely finished my sentence before I threw my contents out.

"Serena this is getting a bit excessive" Elias said.

"Will you be decent for dinner tonight" he asked me.

"I should be, for breakfast I want gingerale and frozen yogurt" I mumble.

"Well lucky for you Noah hates yogurt so I think we have some" he reassures me. After a long shower I got dressed in my old university clothes which were getting tighter.

I made my way downstairs and saw that no one was there. I grabbed a mini can of gingerale and some saltine crackers. I knew that look on Elias face, he wasn't as stoic and emotionless as he usual was, he looked worried. I shrugged the thought off and began to turn on the tv, I hate footsteps and Noah skipped down the steps.

"No pancakes?" He asked.

"Baby hates them" I said chewing on crackers.

Noah walks out and sits beside me on the couch.

"I've seen my share pregnant women and none of them have gotten as sick as you" he said seriously.

"I'm done my first trimester so most of my morning sickness should be done" I tell Noah but he shakes his head.

"I don't know Serena, I think there a bigger problem"

"If it keeps happening I will look into it?" I said to get him off my back.

"Where's Evelyn?" I ask changing the subject.

"Left early this morning"

"You guys were loud" I mumble.

"Yeah seeing your naked got me going"

"Ew shut up" I smacked Noah with a pillow.

Elias walked in and glared at Noah who had a sheepish smile.



"Stop flirting with Serena, or I cut your dick off" he warned.

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