|Chapter Twenty-Six|

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The flight back to the Verros estate was a depressing flight. No one dared to talk, I had my iPod on and listened to music so no one would talk to me.

I was jet lagged when we returned to the castle, Elias didn't say a word to me which I was surprised.

"Can I have my own room?" I ask Elias. He stopped and slowly turned and faced me.

"No, my beast is distressed" he replies.

Part of me wishes he was lying and that I didn't mean a damn thing to him. Over the few months I was gone I noticed Hannah looked much different. She grew her blonde hair out she wore high heels and more makeup. She looked more empowering then ever.

I walk into Elias's old room he shuts the door and I put my bag on the floor. It was uncomfortable, he sighs and he begins to undo his tie. On a side table he brings two glasses and a bottle of red wine.

I lick my lips in anticipation, he stands at the bar and I watch his body move with such grace. I've never seen him stumble or trip, he hands me a glass but he gestures for us to go on the balcony.

I stand up still wearing my clothes from the long flight, walk out with shaky hands I take a long sip. Half my wine is gone and the nerves dwindle slightly.

"I get it" his first three words stun me.

"You acted on maternal instincts, you acted like a mother wolf" he spoke not looking at me but the sky.

"Elias, you should be mad, I left you without even discussing this. My actions killed him.." I bit my lip hard and I feel blood spout out.

"You did all means to protect our child, I'm deeply upset that you thought you had to do this on your own" he downs the rest of his wine.

"Elias listen to me" I huff, he is brushing off what I did when I had felt guilty for months.

"I wouldn't of come back even for your son" I tell him.

That's when the wine glass breaks, shatter on the concrete balcony. I wince at his darkened eyes, but the truth had to be set out free.

"If I could go back I would of stayed" I whisper.

"Serena.." his voice longs for me, I remain outside but his rough hands softly pull me to him.

"Charlotte said you couldn't even have kids"

"It's true, it's something my mother did for me"

Wrath is on the edge of showing his true face to me, but on edge almost weary he doesn't. The beast has been reigned, I can't help it I'm truly fascinated.

"Please never leave again" he utters out almost vulnerable.

"The reason I left in the first place was your wrath, I couldn't deal with your anger and a child within that mix. I took him away because I knew he should have the choice a human life"

"You has no right" he hisses.

Achilles was present, he was angered and far from logical. Achilles wanted his pup to raise, he couldn't grasp the concept.

"Achilles" I whisper, the deadly and enraged wolf has stared at me dead centre.

"Our pup is gone" I tell him.

I hate using the stupid wolf terms but I knew Achilles needed this closure. Without another thought he grabs me by the throat angered by my words.

"No doctor or healer could of helped me, I promise it just happened" I choked out and my hands go to to his head. I run my fingers down his neck and rub his back in a soothing way.

"He's gone" Elias tells me.

"Thank you, he is upset but the wrath is gone" he tells me.

"Being away somehow made me mature more" I laugh a little awkwardly.

"No brief motherhood did"

"Look I want us to fully restart, no more running and you need to control your wrath" I tell him.

"When you were gone, it broke me"

"I know, it hurt me too"

He offers his hand, pulling me into his arms welcoming me to him. His eyes darken and all of a sudden we are on the bed. Clothes are being shredded off, hot kisses all across my body. He is passionate, strong and my destiny.


My body has come accustomed to early morning, just past seven I roll over and Elias is wide awake and must of been for hours.

"Morning, love"

I groan, a part of me wanted to go back to sleep. My old job made a strict schedule and now that is broken I can't help it I sigh loudly.

"I hope you don't regret sleeping with me" he smirks.

"No it was good"

No it was fantastic, it has been months since I felt a mans touch. I missed it and even craved it. Rolling out of bed we make are at downstairs where everyone is. Noah is Charlotte are making pancakes and Hannah is sitting at the island her fingers tapping against the marble countertop.

"Hey lovebirds" Charlotte winks.

"Talk everything over" Noah calls out.

"They did a little more than that" Hannah points at my neck.

Ignoring them I go into the fridge and grab a yogurt. My eating habits have yet to change since the whole ordeal.

"Coffee?" Hannah pipes up.

"I'm good thanks" I reply.

Hannah whips around rapidly, her eyes narrowed.

"Who are you and what have you done with Serena" she boldly states.

"I drink tea?" I reply dumbly.

"But coffee" She wined.

"Hannah shut up" Elias says not looking up from the paper. I can't help I smile in his direction.

Hannah huffs but drinks her coffee, we sit in a forced comfortable silence.

"So anything new happened?" I find myself almost awkwardly asking.

"Why would we tell you" Charlotte looks over with a glare.

I guess she is still mad about me luring rebellious supernatural beings, right to them.

I don't blame her.

The kitchen was filled with a long uncomfortable silence once again. Throwing the rest of my yogurt in the garbage I walk upstairs ignoring Charlotte's hateful stares.

The bedroom was clean and tidy, there was a section under the bed that pulled out that had my belongings in there. Nothing was moved or changed. I pull out my old laptop that has some dust on it and I turn on some Netflix to drown out everyone else.

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