|Chapter Twenty-Seven|

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A few days past and the dynamic with everyone hasn't changed. I was laying in bed watching re runs of friends. Elias walks in and everyone slowly walks in, Noah has a giant grin on his face.

"Today will be the day you will introduced to my birth pack as Luna"

My eyes widen, nerves wracked me to my core. Although we agreed to give this bond another try my stubbornness pushed through.

"I'm not Luna material, I'm a hunter" I tell them.

"Look we think you will be very good" Charlotte jumps on the bed.

"I don't want this title" I can't help I roll over and rest my eyes.

"Serena.." Elias sighs.

"What about what happened" I wanted them to leave so I could lay in bed all day.

"Serena stop moping" Noah says laying at my feet.

"Everyone out" Elias orders.

Eyes flees the room, my blankets wrapped around me tight. Elias has his gentle hand caress my face.

"Dwelling in your suffering will not help" Elias quietly spoke.

"I know you hurt"

I hurt more than anything, the constant ache of my own stupidity. I wanted nothing more than to forget everything. I was selfish and only focussed my own pain and never considered Elias; I left without wondering how he would feel.

I was selfish.

I didn't even feel bad.

"Shut up" I reply.

"Serena" Elias warns.

"I'm tired leave me alone" I seethed.

He wants me to let him comfort me but the ache of my loss hurts. My body went through hell after my mishap. I had countless doctors explain my body was in trauma and when I start to heal mentally everything will go back to normal.

I paid half my rent just to have a doctor tell me that, it wasn't until five days ago that my body started my cycles again. I lean away from Elias and force myself to curl into blankets

"Serena you can't just push me away" he tells me annoyed.

Looking away I can't help but roll my eyes I didn't want to to talk. Elias had other plans. Ripping the blankets and sheets off all I was wearing was a tank top and pair girl boxers.

"Look, I know you Serena; you are strong, powerful and relentless. I'm saying this because against it all you have leading qualities". I sit up my feet touching the floor, my back aches for laying down for so long.

A year and a half ago Elias found me outside my apartment, sending a vampire to lure me out. Our ups and down remind me of his ruthless cycle, love and passion leads me to betrayal and hurt. Introducing me to his pack would mean no more running, I would have to embrace his life.

Going against every fibre of my own being, I hated wolves and vampires. The very fact I carried his child momentarily created a love I have never found in my twenty-three years of living. A love I barely understood myself, to give my the full closure I let myself name him and remind myself that I'm human. That he would loved me, my mother and father would of loved him just as much as I did.

"You need to move on Serena"

His words were suppose to comforting, but instead I look up and anger wraps around me suffocating me. I stand up quickly I don't think what happens next I lunge at him.

Hitting him with my fists he easily catches my sloppy throws. I stare at him watery eyes, I can't help but break down and let myself crumple I go a emotional heap.

"I know you hurt because you were suppose to hate him, but I'm here for you" he holds me and what surprises me more is I let him hold me.


Night had fallen, I was tangled in Elias. Both of us naked and a sheet covering up to my chest and the other half was dangling dangerously low to Elias's body.

"Will you meet my pack?" He asks me, not demands but he wants me to say yes on my own accord.


I didn't think but the word slip out effortlessly, I let myself this one last time let Elias in. Part of me knows that Elias hurts more than I do but he'd rather suffer than me. The thought was selfless of him which made me lean over and kiss him.

We rarely kiss, three times total. Sex was the bond snapping at us, certain moon cycles Elias was temperamental that was exceptionally hard to deal with.

Elias leaves the room wearing low hanging sweatpants, I can't help but wonder the reason I was attracted to him, my mother would have the answer that always unsettled me.

"Serena, you'll never want a simple man, no matter how much you want to. It's the dysfunctional fucked up ones that call to you"

I think about her words, she said that to me when I told her about my first heartbreak at fifteen. I disregarded her words and found myself deep in thought of being loved.

Elias walks in again and hands me a white dress that looks like a wedding dress, I looked at him confused. I knew werewolf culture and even old barbaric traditions.

"Why do I have a feeling I won't like this.." my words trail off.

"What you humans call marriage is equivalent in our culture" he tells me.

"I didn't agree to that.." I tell him.

"I know, but when you are ready we can do your human ceremony" he offers.

"Elias I never said I wanted to get married"

"Why is this such an issue?" He questions.

"We can't divorce, we are in this for life" he tells me.

"I know but marriage is something I don't think I'll ever be ready for"

Elias gives me an odd look seeing my discomfort. Marriage was something I never wanted, I barely kept a relationship long enough to consider it. Elias storms out of the room and I don't stop him.

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