|Chapter Twenty-Eight|

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Pain and passion come hand and to hand combat with loving Elias, his cruel eyes and relentless anger scare anyone, even me. I wanted to disappear when he savagely break down a door and run out pushing a pack member away from him.

Charlotte walks in and sees the dress and she admires it, we don't speak as she walks around the room. Finally she sits beside me and sighs.

"We still hate each other right?" She asks.

"Well you almost killed me"

"You did too" she replies.

We sit in a long silence, she picks at her nails. Part of me wanted to ask why the vampire in my room, but then again I listened to a depressing song and she choked me out.

"Friends is a little of a stretch maybe like friends through friends" I think out.

"Okay, well I have a problem and the person I usually talk to is now tearing down a forest" she tells me. I get up and close the door and wonder what the hell did Charlotte want to talk about.

"If you haven't noticed I'm with Hannah" she tells me.

"I'd assume so, for being immortal you have nothing but time to kill" I shrug off.

"Don't worry Serena you aren't my type" she teases but it didn't meet her eyes.

"When did you and Hannah get together?" I can help but ask.

"After the deal with Gavin" she breathes out. Charlotte walks to the bar near the balcony and pours herself a needed drink. The amber liquid is intoxicating calling to me.

"I can't be sober for this conversation" she tells me.

"Same here pass me the bottle" I tell her and hands me a bottle and a glass.

"Hannah and I ended things and we have chemistry I haven't felt since I was human"

"She is selfless and no matter who you are she just accepts you" Charlotte spoke.

"Why do you think she was my best friend" I tell her.

"I want her back"

We both begin to drink excessively, Charlotte drinks her bottle of rye without another thought. She immortal and probably never gets hangovers. I was halfway when I realized my vision was getting blurry. Both of us are now drunk on the floor, Charlotte cradles her bottle.

"Why did you and Hannah break up" I ask her boldly.

"She thinks I don't care but it's just how I act, she mortal she will die and I said cruel things to her when we found out you left"

"I hate you for that"

Her words should hurt but I can't help but chuckle, a drunk vampire blaming me for her relationship failing.

"I was scared and I left create a mundane life for my son"

Charlotte takes another long swig before her she blabs more words.

"You did what any Luna would of done, yes it was cowardly but a war brewing with a child is no safe place, Elias is upset of what happened but you didn't do it for you. That's why- you are forgiven"

"My own stupidity got him killed" I force out.

"You told us you couldn't have children, and we knew that was a lie"

"Your heart rate increased" she laughs.

"Charlotte why did you hate me" the words bubble out before I can slap my mouth shut.

"I'm absolutely drunk and even I can't answer that question" she smirks.

The room begins to spin, this state of mind relaxes me and the pain is gone for a second. Charlotte is passed out beside me I close the blinds, stumbling I lay down beside her vibrant red hair is sprawled messily. I close my eyes and let the sleep overcome me.


Sunlight streams into the room, I panic and look for Charlotte but she is out of the room, if she was burnt there would be a pile of ashes and the smell of smoke would be prominent. Wearing sweatpants and one of Elias's shirts I walk downstairs, the house was more quiet than normal.

Charlotte was watching Tv with a mug that looked like coffee, Noah was on the computer on the kitchen island. Elias and Hannah were nowhere to be seen.

"How you feeling?" Charlotte smirks.

"I'm human what do you think" is my sarcastic reply when I open the fridge.

I can't help but think how much Charlotte and I didn't get along, she hated me for my family's practices and hated her for being dead. If I knew we just had to get drunk together for us to be more civil I would of done it long ago. I grab fruit from the fridge and sit beside Noah when Elias walks in.

His hair is untamed, he had a stubble and his tired eyes didn't go unnoticed. Part of me wished I was submissive to him, I could tell he was upset.

"Can we talk?" I ask him.

He looks at me mildly surprised, but nods at me. I grab my mug that is for the first time in months filled with coffee.

I walk into his study his dress shirt is wrinkled, his tie is long gone. He sits at his desk and runs his hands through his hair and remember he is suffering just like me.

"I'll do your ceremony, but this means we will work on this because you've burned me more times than I can count"

"I know.." he drifts off.

"Elias we can talk about this, this one time and then we try and move on"

"I'm hurt, I wish we could of done this together but you know what I had this coming. I hurt you because I loved someone before and every time I look at you I think you'll be gone"

"Is this about Elizabeth?"

He looks up surprised I can't help but smile sadly at him, Noah had let her name slip a few times and I wasn't an idiot.

"How do you-"

I shush him and pull him close to me, the bond is satisfied of a healthier us.

"I'm tired of fighting with you, I will be part of your life. My stubbornness didn't help, I just ask make me immortal when I'm ready and not on your terms"

"Serena, you've been immortal since I marked you"

I whip around suddenly stunned, I stopped aging and I didn't even notice. I hug myself feeling betrayed. My own mortality was my choice, as dark and gloomy as this thought was, I was always ready to accept death.

Hunters don't fear death, we believe that the darkness calling out to us will be welcoming for disposing evil.

"You openly lied to me for the last year and a half!" I shrieked. I can't help it I'm shaking with rage.

I can't help it I storm out slamming the door with so much force wood splintered.

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