|Chapter Thirty|

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Having the opportunity to fight against a well hated royal was an exciting feeling for me. Hannah was quietly beside me as I was gleefully loading my silver rounds. Elias walks in holding an ancient sword with Latin engraved within the handle.

"How do you royals die?" I ask.

Elias sighs as if he didn't want to answer but I had pledged myself to Elias and his wolves. If I commit treason to Elias he could execute me in front his pack so show the consequences of treason. Destiny or not there is a code for me to follow.

"We are known for being the royals for a reason. The seven deadly sins have created us, each of turned committing our sin that overtakes us. The one thing that turns out can kill us, this sword has a greedy mans blood coated. That will kill Vincent"

I look up surprised at Elias, my mind wander to how simple it was to kill them.

"Elias it's so easy for you to be killed"

"Actually no one is as angry as me, I'm the hardest to kill because hate is temporary, I'm wrath for a reason Serena" his voice was deep.

I hated myself, his words turned me on. The fact was wolves were fighting as we speak and right this second I wanted Elias to throw me against a wall and take me. As if he was reading my thoughts he speaks.

"Later I promise" he leans and kisses me and squeezes me butt. A lazy smirk crossed his face momentarily.

"Don't die" I tell him.

"Same goes to you, love"

Hannah remains silent as she puts a knife on her belt. We both don't speak as we load up on weapons.

"Look I'm sorry-" she starts.

"Hannah, I've outgrown you, I mean you are so self absorbed. You blamed me because I left, I told you not to be part of this many times. You are liability, you think you can waltz in here with no training and just fight? You were vegetarian for three years for Gods sake and you cried when you got drunk and ate a hotdog? I'm pissed because I was far from selfish and if you can't see that than we can't be friends" grabbing another gun I walk and refused to meet Hannah's eyes.

I knew I was right about this, even if Hannah didn't.


Opening the grand doors outside was horrifying, blood stained the grass red. Dead wolves scattered along the property. Walking down the steps cautiously, I can see Noah fighting three wolves and easily taking them down. Elias was nowhere to be seen, Charlotte appears behind and without a second thought she throws herself into combat.

Wolves start to advance and out pure instinct I shoot, they back off limping. I'm not finished emptying three more rounds the wolves are dead and unmoving. The toxic silver took over killing them almost instantly.

Thankfully I didn't see Hannah, I let myself relax when I saw no one but my body collided hard into the cold ground. I can help but groan out as a feel a little foot on my chest. His foot is heavy, unnatural inhuman power pushing my body into the concrete.

It's the child vampire.

"What did Vincent promise you?" I sneer out.

"A seat on the council, but I had a feeling you knew that"

My finger grasp the tiny silver blade and a quick motion he is clutching his neck. He is caught off guard when I kick him down and pull out my gun and empty it into his skull. Stepping over his body I continue to look for Elias, as much as I wanted to fight I had a bad feeling.

From the corner of my eye I seen many fighting still but I reached the garden and Elias and Vincent were fighting, Vincent had two blade in both hands and Elias has the sword. Both were expertly fighting, Elias manages to slice Vincent.

"I can't wait to kill you and that pesky hunter" Vincent sneers out.

From the corner Hannah makes an appearance, she was fighting a vampire and managed to somehow slice its throat the silver shined which caught the attention of Vincent. He looks at me and evil smile enters his features when suddenly he plunges a blade into Elias.

Dropping my gear I throw a knife and pull out a long dagger. The blade catches Vincent in the shoulder giving me a couple seconds head start. Elias begins to painfully pull the blade out, he tries to get up but I hold my leg down.

I bit my lip and wave my hand and Elias disappears, fading out. Vincent smirks seeing the power I hold, Hannah backs away and scampers away.

"You have a death wish girl"

"I just never learn"

Across the garden the blade Elias had was there, I begin to fight with Vincent. He drops his swords and kicks me square in the chest, knocking the wind out of me. I wanted to tear his head off with my teeth, I was angry he kicked me so easily he goes to crack my ribs and he misses while I roll away.

I'm on my feet again, not letting get the advantage with his hatful look I threw a knife knocking his balance, fighting with Vincent is patience and persistence. My fathers fighting words remind me of who I am, what I am. He may be bigger but nothing kills better than the element of surprise.

I watch as Hannah had slowly without being seen make her way to sword. I needed to do this fast because Elias would finally get out of the cell I had thrown him in, I was growing weak with the dark evil leaving me. Vincent got me, three punches in a row.

My body ached as Hannah saw this opportunity to get Vincent, she sprint and puts all her weight into the sword it was poking through his back and through his chest, it was gory. Hannah stunned looks up and watched Vincent last movements turn rapidly and with his blade stabs her.

Both drop, nausea takes over as I watch Hannah fall over her breathing shallow. I move Vincent's body off of me. Elias is rushing over he is angry but sees a dead Vincent makes him relax.

"Hannah.." my voice begins to panic, yes I was mad at her but friends fight.

"Damn it hannah" Elias curses as both of us watch her take final breaths.

"It was worth it" she gasps out, more blood was pooling out rapidly, the concrete was stained with all kinds of blood.

Panic has yet to leave me as I watch as Hannah's body begins to shake violently, her eyes are glazing over.

"I'm so sorry, Hannah" my words are heavy with guilt.

All those late nights staying up and watching old reruns on tv and sharing our secrets she was my first true friend and I let my own problems cloud our friendship, tears brim my eyes and slowly turn into sobs. My hands clutching her small body.

Her last forced breath traumatic, blood slowly stop to pool at my feet. Elias looks away as if its his fault Hannah died, I was stupid and thought she could do this.

"She's gone" I muttered.

"Who's gone?" Charlotte asks walking towards us.

I closed and my eyes and hoped to god I wasn't here for this conversation.

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