|Chapter Seven|

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"Isn't Elias looking for you?" Noah blurts instantly, the ethnic women wore a red bedazzled dress with shimmering glitter at the top. Her bleached blonde hair shows the slightly darker roots at the top of her head.

"I had to meet you" she cocks her head to the right to get a better view of me.

"I'm a hunter?" Is my dumb reply causing a light smile to her features.

"Yes but no hybrid had been fated with a human, it's impossible" she says curtly.

"Why are we here?" Noah blurts.

"Tea?" She questions.

Noah and I exchange a weary look, we didn't want to have another trip again.

"Don't worry, that women was suppose to drug you, I have many enemies out there so I had to hide where my true location is" Carlotta says as she pulls out a heavy looking bowl.

"What is Elias doing then if he's looking for you" Noah says, he's leaned against the wall his defence is up.

"He is with your sister" she has an evil smile on her face.

"You have a sister?" I blurt out.

"Yeah she's kinda of a buzz kill" was his short reply.

I shake my head and move towards Carlotta, her eyes narrow almost suspiciously.

"Look is this bond real?" I feel the drug taking a toll on me.

"Not even the darkest of magic can forge this, Serena" Carlotta sits in a overstuffed chair her long gel nails with expressive colours now hold a cigarette. Her personality was a little unsettling, I leaned on the chair.

"It's real then" Noah asked.

"It cannot be forged into this, there is no such thing as fake mate, this is real raw love between you too" she smiles at me.

"There's no love" I bitterly spoke.

"Not now but Elias is a man of anger, he's never felt love or caring emotions. You must be patient" she takes a long drag and breathes almost relaxed. For a moment I contemplated on taking a drag myself.

"Can this be undone?" I ask again, Carlotta seems on edge of my constant questioning but her hand squeezes the chair tightly.

"He has to accept it that's the only way" she spoke heatedly.

"Okay I think we're done now! Thanks Carlotta!" Noah said as he pulled me out of the room.

We sluggishly made out way out when a clown appeared with a club in its hand smiling, Noah didn't have the time to swear when he was hit in the head. The narrow hallway trapped me and it was too late, the club came down at an alarming speed and just like that I was gone.

"Why the fuck are you in the bath tub?" Elias spoke.

I groaned out and rolled over on the harden floor.

"Serena you alright?" Noah called out, his voice was uneven.

"That bitch!" I muttered cradling my head.

Twenty minutes later Noah and I managed to get ourselves presented while Elias sip this large dark coffee.

"What happened with you two?" Elias said referring to Noah who was struggling to eat a strawberry strudel.

"Carlotta drugged us but we found of the legitimacy of your, ugh.. bond" he spoke.

"It's the real deal" I sarcastically spoke. Elias remains silent.

"When are we heading back? I have finals in a couple weeks" I sip my french vanilla that held four expresso shots.

"I'll fly her back" he muttered.

He was being cold again, part of me wanted to fight but I was too exhausted and he seemed to be more mad this was in fact real.

"Elias at least go back with her" Noah nudged him.

"No she has finals, I have a few loose ends here" he made no room for argument. I dragging my phone and my wallet I drop a twenty causing Elias to raise his eyes in anger. Werewolves demand submission from their women but me paying he defiled his masculinity. He knew I planned it causing his eyes to darken.

"My name is Serena you ass" I snapped facing the start on my purse I walked on to the busy and crowding streets, finding a taxi was difficult but one finally stopped for me.

"Where to?" a gruff old man demanded.


I was used to doing things on my own, when I went to buy my ticket Elias had already paid, I was annoyed but went with it. I sat down and looked out the window and wondered if Elias would ever leave.

I had slowly grew on him and the very thought of him leaving created the mass feeling of anxiety  in the pit of my stomach. Time would only worsen the bond between us and create a deep primal need for him. I wasn't ready for that but this bond was abnormal, the thought that cross my mind since the second I knew he was destiny.

Why me?

Sure in the past, hunters have been fated to the beast. It was uncommon but it did happen, my eyes glazed with tears, the exhaustion and the feeling of being trapped overwhelmed my emotions. When the plane landed hours later I was more than overjoyed, I walked out and made my way back to my apartment and everything was exactly where I left it.

"Hey back so soon?" Hannah said raising and eyebrow.

"Yeah short trip" I said flipping off my heels.

"Whats been going on? you've been acting weird since Saturday and we thought you would of gone home with someone but instead you got a boyfriend that night? Some things aren't adding up Serena" her questioning makes me clutch my head in tiredness.

Hannah's blanking began to tune out, blinking a few times I see Hannah still talking.

"Serena you look very pale, sit down" Hannah pushes her hair aside and sit me on the couch. I felt the room starting to spin in circles, my head had a sharp pain in my left temple.


I closed my eyes which did not ease the pain, Hannah's voice was drifting away, I feel as if I'm floating and all at once the darkness that was slowly easing my vision consumed me whole making me completely and utterly gone.

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