Rich Shxt 💎

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Lola POV

I walked to the other side of the dance floor with my tray in my hand hoping no one makes me drop it. "Girl, you looked stressed." My gay friend, Justin, said to me. "I am like I'm ready to go." I said as I smiled at him. "Girl, let's just get this over with so we can go home." He said as I nodded and headed over to the table I was originally serving. "Excuse me?" Someone said as they tapped my shoulder. "Yes?" I said as I turned around to see Sarah in my face. "What do you want?" "Uh as manager, you need to show respect." "Like I said, what do you want?" "That table needs to be served now." "Okay? I got this. You go somewhere else." I said as I walked off hearing her talk shit. I walked over to the table just to see a group of rappers celebrating. "Hi, I'm Lola and I'm here to serve you. So, what can I get you?" "All we need is Hennessey please. My mans here just got released from jail." "Ooh well glad your free." I said as he looked at me and smiled. "So, I'll be right back with that and is there anything else you guys need?" I said as I cleared their table. "Uh, nah. Nice to meet you too Lola." The guy said as he shook my hand. "Nice to meet you too." I said as I walked away and headed to the bar. "Girl, that was XXXtentacion! He's mad famous girl." "Oh well, he's mad cute but he just got released. And they need Hennessey too." "I know, his ex framed him so he just did the time anyways." "Damn, that's fucked up but I'll be right back." I said as I went to give them their bottles.

A Real Queen 🌺💎Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora