Perfect Timing ✊

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Lola POV

I'm almost to my due date and I'm mad excited to meet my little princess because its like I want my body back and plus, I know X is so ready to hold her. "Oh my gosh." I said as a sharp pain sent through my side. "You okay girl?" Rosa said as she came next to me. "Yeah I just felt a sharp pain through my side. There it is again!" I said as I grabbed at my side. "Just breathe. She's probably kicking." Rosa said as I nodded. "Lord, have mercy princess. You're hurting me." I said as the pain stopped and I felt something wet between my legs. "Uh Rosa? Big problem." "What?" "My water broke. If not, then I peed on myself." I said as I removed the covers and a big pile of water was under me. "You're having your princess today instead of tomorrow then. Come on, I'll get your stuff. Go pee and poop before we leave okay?" "Why?" "Because when you give birth, all of that is gonna come out as you push and you don't want her covered in that." She said as I nodded and went to use the bathroom. I washed my hands and put on my Fenty slides as I walked out the door and felt the pain again. "Holy shit, this hurts so bad Rosa." I said as I groaned. "I know, just breathe. Hello?" She said as she got on the phone. "Yeah?" I heard Randy say as he answered. "It's time dipshit! The baby is coming so bring y'all asses." She said as I laughed. "Right now? Thought it was tomorrow." "Nah, the princess came early so come on nigga." She said as we made it to the hospital. I kept breathe as the pain gotten more intense. "Can I help y'all?" "I'm going into labor and it hurts really badly." I said as the lady grabbed the wheelchair and sat me down. I pray that this goes well.

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