Two-Bit Imagine

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My dress flowed in the slight breeze, causing Mickey Mouse's face to contort into a goofy grin.

I wish I could find someone my age who enjoyed a little Mickey.

I walked down to the DX. A couple Greasers worked there, but it's not like I'm a Soc. I'm more middle class, not broke but I don't have a vault full of money either.

I opened the door and the bell let out a little ding. I walked over to the refrigerator that held the Coke bottles.

I picked one up and shut the fridge, a slight chill wrapping my legs.

I walked to the counter where a boy named Sodapop worked the cash register. I smiled.

"Evening, Y/N." Soda smiled.

I was down here every afternoon.

"Hi, Soda. How's Steve?"

"He's in the back right now, checkin' supplies. Wanna say hi?"


"STEVE!" Soda called, walking over to a door that said 'Employees Only'.

The door opened and Steve walked out, looking a bit flustered. Then he looked at me.

"Well, I guess I missed dinner because there's a nice dessert right in front of me."

I smiled, trying not to cringe. That was kinda bad.

Sodapop cringed for me. "That was the stupidest thing I've heard!"

Steve punched him on the arm. "Shut it."

Then I heard a little ding. A guy with long hair and a Mickey tank walked in.

"Soda, Steve." He said.

"Hey, who's this breeze?" He grinned. A goofy grin, a cute grin.

"This's Y/N. Y/N, Keith Mathews."

Keith held out a hand for me to shake, which I accepted graciously.

"Only family calls me Keith, or Darry when I do som'n stupid. Friends call me Two-Bit, or just Two." He let go of my hand and reached in to his pocket.

"Weed?" He asked, pulling out a carton of Kools.

"No, thank you, I don't like marijuana."

Sodapop, Steve, and Two-Bit howled with laughter.

Wait, not that kind of...

I blushed. "W-wait-" I tried to say, but they just kept laughing.

I left the usual 75¢ on the counter and took the Pop and left.

I sighed walking out the door. I sat on a bench across the street. I'm so stupid. And in front of'a cute guy too.

The door of the DX opened and Two walked out. He looked around for a second, sporting me. OhGodohGodohGod.

As Two got closer, I saw his face was slightly red from laughing.

He sat next to me.

I looked at the Pop cap between my knees.

"So-sorry for laughing back there." He said.

"It's okay. I would'a laughed too."

"Why don't we try again?" He put his hand out for me to take again. I took it graciously, once again.

"Names Y/N."

"I'm Two-Bit."

His hand felt kind of rough.

Then I realized it wasn't his hand, it was a folded piece of paper.

He watched as I unfolded the paper.

Two-Bit Mathews 555-879

I glanced at him.

"That's not a safe idea, giving someone you barely know your phone number." I teased.

He chuckled quietly.

"Well, hopefully if I get a call later, a date could help me know you more."

I smiled big(ly, @Trump).

"I think you might get a ring."

Two-Bit stood up.

"Talk to you later, then." He beamed at me.

He began to walk down the street. He turned back around.

"I like your dress, by the way!" He called.

"I like your shirt!" I called back.

I beamed down at the Pop. It seemed to beam right back.

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