Steve Randle Imagine

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"Oh come on, Steve. Eating something besides cake isn't going to kill you." I huffed, shoving a bowl of grapes and chopped bananas towards my whiny boyfriend.

"But cake tastes better!" He whined.

"Steven Randle! Okay, just eat one grape and I'll leave you alone."

"Only if you eat one with me."

"It's just a grape but okay." I took the baby raisin and handed it to Steve, then picked one up for myself.

I popped the small fruit in my mouth and pushed it to the side, causing my mouth to have a grape sized lump on the outside.

"Your turn."

Steve put his grape in his mouth, then took the whole bowl of fruit out of my hands.

I chewed my grape and swallowed it, watching Steve devour the fruit.

"What made you change your mind?" I asked him.

"Well, I'll eat all the fruit in the world if it makes me as cute as it makes you."

I felt my face heat up. "Aw, Steve..."

After he was done, he put the bowl in the sink and we went outside.

"I feel real healthy now!" Steve said, flexing his biceps.

"I'm glad, honey." I laughed. Steve ran up ahead and did a front flip.

"Woo!" He cheered. "Do you feel stronger, Doll?" He called back to me.

I ran to catch up with him. "Let me punch ya and find out." I smiled, raising a fist.

He raised his arms up. "Punch away!"

I punched him in the chest. "Ooh! Ahh, nooo! Ya got me!" He pretend wailed, stumbling around. He knocked in to a tree and slid dramatically down it.

"I'm hurt, baby. I-I don't know if I'll make it."

I laughed and sat on the tree next to him, then straightened up my face.

"I'm sorry, love. Is there anything I can do in your last minutes?"

"You can give me a- a kiss." He gasped out the last part.

I giggled. "Okay."

I gave him the kiss he so desperately needed. Then another one. And another one. And another one that lasted 40 seconds.

When we finally pulled away, he smiled and put his forehead on mine.

"You're sweeter than any chocolate cake I've eaten."

I laughed and stood up. "Come on, let's go see if Soda can hang for a while."

"I dig that." Steve stood up.

Steve and I walked hand in hand to the Curtis house, playing around and cracking jokes the whole way.

Oh how I love my boy.

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