Gang Imagine

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Everyone was at the Curtis house this afternoon.

Steve and Soda were on the floor, arm wrestling, while Johnny and Ponyboy sat a few feet away playing cards.

Two-Bit was in a chair by the couch watching Mickey, while Dally and I were on the couch, my legs propped on his lap.

Darry was on the floor, helping Johnny cheat secretly.

It was quiet, minus the quiet cheers and groans. I wasn't really doing much, just thinking random thoughts.

Do spiders get headaches?

Why don't we feel wet when we're completely underwater?

If you purchase and eat half a chicken, you're sharing your meal with a stranger.

We're all pretty hot.

I sat up straight, causing Dally to look at me.

"Guys." I said.

Johnny, Pony, Soda, Steve, and Darry looked at me.

Two-Bit was still staring at the television but still managed a 'yeah?'

"We're hot. Like, literally we're all really attractive."

This really caught everyone's attention.

"What?" Darry asked, confused.

"We're sexy. We're hot, we're smoking. God damn, we're just hot as hell."

"Hell yeah!" Steve said out loud, slapping Soda on the back.

The other guys whooped in agreement. I stood up.

"We're some sexy Greasers!" I cheered.

The gang cheered right back. "Yeah!" "Woo!" "Amen!"

The rest of the afternoon was filled with energy and high self-esteem. I love making my friends happy.

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