Johnny Cade Imagine

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"Please! Get off of me, take my money, please don't hurt me!" I screamed, my throat beginning to burn.

"Shut up! Shut up, shut up, shut up!" The blonde boy yelled at me. His accomplices held my arms and legs down while he straddled me.

I shouldn't have used the alleyway as a shortcut home.

"Someone, help!" I screamed, which earned a smack and nasty words.

"Hey! Get off'a her!" I heard a familiar voice call out, causing the blonde Soc to look up.

My boyfriend, Johnny, was here. He hung around here a lot, which is why I thought I was safe here. I guess not.

"Hey, look what we got here, boys. Little Johnny Cade." The blonde boy sneered.

"Get off'a her." Johnny repeated, holding on to something in his pocket. "Or I'll hurt ya."

"Come on, Johnny" The Soc grabbed my shirt collar and jerked me around a bit. "I know your folks beat you enough as it is, you don't want five other people to do it too, do ya?"

I moved around, struggling to free myself. Johnny walked right up to Blondie and looked him in the eye. "I'll kill you if you don't get off of her."

The Soc's laughed. Johnny pulled the mystery object out of his pocket. A gun.

"I got five bullets in here, if you don't let her go, they'll be in y'alls heads." He raised the gun and pointed it at one of Blondie's friends.

The Soc's scrambled to get off of me and backed off. "This isn't over." Blondie hissed.

"To Hell if it ain't!" Johnny shot back.

He grabbed my hand and helped me up. I embraced him in a hug, my tears getting on his jacket. He sat on the ground with me until I stopped crying.

I looked at his gorgeous eyes. "Where'd you get a loaded gun?"

"I got it from Dally. It ain't loaded." Johnny sheepishly smiled.

"You saved my life." I clutched his jacket.

"I-I know. I'm like, a hero, huh?" Johnny smiled down at me.

"My Knight in shining armor." I agreed.

Johnny and I stood up and began walking to my house. Johnny didn't leave until he saw I made it in safely.

But I can't help but wonder, what would've happened if Johnny hadn't been hanging around? Would I be home tonight?

And that's when I started praying every night that Johnny stayed safe and well.

(A/N: this one sucked ass I know ugh. Here's something I found on Tumblr to make up for it.)


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