Christmas Eve Gang Imagine

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Kinda long, but hey, it's Christmas! (Actually today is Christmas Eve where i'm from, which is Missouri)

I wrapped the last strand of garland around the Curtis's tree, admiring how it sparkled when the trees lights hit it. I stepped back over the tree's wool lined skirt, careful not to cause a wrinkle. Darry was very precise about the smoothness of the skirt, and one little mishap would send him over the edge (A/N: if you know where that's from I will marry you, bet bet bet).

Darry had invited me over here to help him get ready for Christmas, since the guys weren't exactly pros at decorating. Darry was currently in the kitchen, checking the turkey and starting on mashed potatoes.

"Darry! It's done!" I called, smiling at our work. "Great! Be out there in a minute!" I turned around to go to a closet that held a box with the tree's star. Ponyboy was always the one who put the star on top since he was the youngest. As I reached the closet, the screen door opened and Sodapop and Ponyboy came in, their cheeks red and eyes twinkling. They were all bundled up in their scarves and coats and snow boots. They stomped on the rug in front of the door, shaking all the snow off of their boots.

Sodapop looked around as he took his hat off, a little pom-pom on top shaking around. He whistled as his eyes caught the tree. "Y'all did a good job." He complimented, turning his attention to me and giving me his usual warm smile. "Thanks, Soda." I smiled back. Soda took his coat, gloves, and scarf off. He started walking towards the kitchen.

"I KNOW YOU'RE NOT WALKING ACROSS MY CARPET WITH SOME WET BOOTS." Darry's voice boomed from the kitchen. Soda did a 180 as he turned around and put his boots on the porch, Ponyboy quickly following his lead.

"Pony, can you put that Gayla Peevey record on?" I asked the young boy, starting to dig through the closet. I found the box marked Christmas and took it down. I opened it up and stared wondrously at its beauty. I heard a needle hit a record, and then the song I Want A Hippopotamus For Christmas began to swim through the house.

Darry came out of the kitchen, wiping his hands on a white apron. "She's a beauty, for sure. Great job, Y/N." "Thank you, Dare Bear."

Suddenly, the screen door slammed open and Steve came in with Two-Bit decked out in a Santa hat in tow. "Merry Christmas, Curtis's and Y/L/N!" Two- Bit boomed, stomping his boots and setting them next to the other boys'. "Christmas eve." I reminded him. Steve gave Sodapop a friendly noogie, and the two laughed. "Hey, buddy, you got any of those Christmas cookies shaped like Santa and all that?" Steve asked, heading towards the kitchen.

"Yes," Darry answered. "Don't eat all of 'em." Steve gave a thumbs up, before continuing his trip.

"I want a hippopotamus for Christmas..." Gayla's voice sang. "Hey, Steve, hear that? Looks like a certain girl wants you under her tree!" Two-Bit called into the kitchen, then proceeding to howl with laughter. I rolled my eyes and smiled.

The screen door opened again, this time with Johnny and Dallas entering. Surprisingly, Dallas had a Santa hat on. It even had a little white D stitched in the side, and a small jingle bell on the end. Everyone in the room had wide eyes once they saw it. "I made it for him." Johnny exclaimed proudly.

"Looking good, Dallas. Here, let me sit on your lap. I've been a good boy this year." Two-Bit said, then slapped his knee and doubled over.

"Shut your trap, Two." Dallas warned. "Or it'll be a ho-ho-homicide."

The rest of the day was filled with eggnog and Christmas karaoke. At the end of the night, Ponyboy put the star atop the tree, causing Two-Bit to break into an impromptu 'Oh, Christmas Tree.' Everyone suspected that Two slipped a little something else into his eggnog. The theory was proven correct when he passed out on the kitchen floor 10 minutes later.

Everyone slept over at the Curtis's. We all fell asleep watching Christmas movies and talking about tomorrows events. As I laid between Steve and Johnny on a pallet on the floor, I smiled thinking about how lucky I am to have these guys around. As I finally closed my eyes, the last thing I heard was a plastic trash bag full of presents being secretly brought into the living room and Two-Bit's soft snores from the kitchen where Darry had put a blanket over him.


I fr never know how to end these. Hope you enjoyed anyways :)

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