What You Do When You're Alone

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Darry: On the rare occasions where Ponyboy and Sodapop are both out of the house and Darry is off work, you two sit inside and cuddle and talk about whatever comes to mind.

Dallas: When you two were alone, you sat in the living room and watched TV or if you were outdoors, sit under a tree (Which Dallas carved your initials in to every time) and complained about everyone you didn't like.

Two-Bit: When you two were alone, you were playing around and had Two put on your clothes and have a fashion show for fun. You'd laugh until tears streamed down your face.

Johnny: When you two were alone, you'd read poetry to him. He'd close his eyes and listen to your words, soaking them in as if he were a sponge and the poems were liquids.

Ponyboy: When you two were alone, you would both go to the library and sit in the very back, whispering and giggling until it closed.

Sodapop: When you two were alone, you both would bake a cake together and share the first piece before the rest of the boys devoured it.

Steve: When you two were alone, you would be in his room, tearing down the pin-up girls from his wall. He would be hesitant at first, then realize you were the only girl he needed.

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