Two-Bit Mathews Imagine

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Two-Bit was not someone who got angry a lot. No, not at all. Two was always laughing and joking around, he was laid back.

That is, until the Socs got ahold of what really mattered to him: His little sister.

I held the littlest Mathews in my lap, my knees pressing in to the concrete ground. Tears ran down my nose, tickling the sides.

I sobbed again, before looking to Two-Bit. He was mad as all Hell.

His little sister, Janie, was in bad condition. She had ran out of her house to find Two-Bit because she had taken a nap and had a nightmare. She wasn't thinking straight.

She ran in to a bunch of Socs, who knew her from seeing her with Two. And they had beat her. They beat a little girl.

And these weren't just regular Socs, these were the 'future wife beaters'.

Janie's nose was broken, and she had two black eyes. Her lip was busted open and a couple teeth knocked out. Her shirt was covered in her blood and tears. Her pigtails had blood dripping from the tips.

Two-Bit found her when we walked out of Bucks party. She was 3 feet away from the door, still getting kicked and beaten. We didn't know it was her until Two scared the Socs off...

"We- we gotta get her to a hos-hospital." I stuttered, holding back tears. Two-Bit knelt next to Janie and grabbed her hand.

He looked me dead in the eyes. "Y/N, I trust you to get my baby to the hospital while I beat the tar outta them Socs."

I nodded and picked Janie up bridal style. Two-Bit gazed at his sister one more time before he directed me to sprint to the hospital.

We just barely made it. If I was two minutes later, she would've died.

Janie sat up in her hospital bed, telling Two and I jokes from a little book I had bought her from the gift shop.

She took another sip of her juice before continuing on.

"Why didn't the skeleton go to the dance?" Janie grinned at Two-Bit.

Two-Bit grinned right back. "Why?"

"Because he had no BODY to go with!" Janie finished the punch with a laugh just like her brothers.

After the laughter settled down, Janie looked at me. "Y/N?"

I scooted closer to her bed and grabbed her hand.

"You saved my life."

I felt my eyes watering. "I guess I did." I sniffles.

Two-Bit came closer to my side. "Janie, you best believe that I kicked them Socs a good one. Dallas and everyone helped."

Janie's cheeks turned pink. "Dallas?"

(A/N: Same)

Two-Bit chuckled. "Yep."

"Y/N, are you gonna marry my brother? Cause I really want ya to." Janie looked at me with such intensity.

"Well, I would like to, very much." I shifted my gaze between her and Two.

Two-Bit grabbed my hand. "I'd like that too."

When Janie got out of the hospital, there was a mini celebration at the Curtis house. Sodapop baked a chocolate cake, and Janie got a kiss on the cheek from Dally.

"Glad you're better, Sweetheart." He had told her. Janie squealed.

Two-Bit led me outside to the porch. "Thank you for getting her there."

I wrapped my arm around his side. "Of course."

Two-Bit put his arm around my shoulders and kissed my temple.

"Is that marriage still on the table?"

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