Sleepy Logic is Smooth Logic

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Pairing(s): Analogical

Warnings: Panicking, mention of feeling stressed, and mention of playful violence

Prompt: Logic overworks himself and Anxiety has to take care of him.
"You're judging me."

"That's what I do- It's a hobby of mine."
Anxiety never dismissed symptoms of illness. He became paranoid over the smallest change in his sleeping or eating pattern and immediately assumed that he was going to die- or well, he assumed that Thomas was going to die.

So when Logic began to awaken at later times, the darker trait started internally freaking out. The nonchalant side was beginning to scare him. His sleeping pattern was growing to be more and more unhealthy; his eating routine was just as terrible; he rarely socialised with the other traits, as well as Thomas; and even during the day, he would lock himself up in his room.

What was he supposed to do?! As much as Logic infuriated him more than necessary sometimes, he understood that the stoic trait was crucial to Thomas' daily life. Without Logic, he would become reckless and irrational.

He was going to get to the bottom of this even if it killed him.

Well, maybe he wouldn't be that dramatic. He wasn't Prince, after all.

As the younger trait dragged himself to Logic's space, he lowered his gaze so that the others couldn't see the serious concern and fear in his eyes. The walls surrounding him blurred, and the floor was suddenly a calming tune, singing sweet and comforting words to him as he got closer to his destination. If he was going to be completely honest with himself, Anxiety knew that he didn't dislike Logic as much as he would make it seem. The trait understood him more than most, and was actually able to reassure him of his importance and how valuable his opinion actually was.

Another thing that Anxiety liked about Logic was his honesty. He wasn't afraid to be practically blunt about a situation, kind of similar to how Anxiety handled things, but in certain scenarios, Logic would slightly sugarcoat the truth or state it in a way that would be merciful towards the feelings of Thomas or any of the other traits. Morality was not one of them however, he was brutal towards him sometimes. Honestly, Anxiety felt for the fatherly trait when people were harsh to him.

Shaking those rather harrowing thoughts out of his mind, the nervous trait realised that he had reached Logic's door. It seemed more large and intimidating than he remembered. Why was he so scared?

Was he fearful of what he would find behind the door? Or was he just anxious about being in Logic's company?

Anxiety's cheeks began to burn at that fleeting thought. He took a deep breath and then knocked quietly on the wooden structure. "Hey, Logic. I just wanted to check up and see how you were."

That was technically true, right?

A weak groan was his reply, and Anxiety's heart stopped as he became overwhelmed at all of the possible diseases and illnesses he could have. Instead of knocking again, the paranoid trait swung open the door. He sighed in relief, and raised an eyebrow when he saw the position Logic was in.

The book-smart trait was lying over his desk with a pile of papers and textbooks sitting beside him on both sides; a pencil was lodged behind his ear; multiple pens were strewn haphazardly on the floor and around his desk. He had overworked himself. Obviously.

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