You Have Too Much Power

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Pairing(s): Platonic PolySanders

Warnings: None (I don't think)

Prompt: "I think the real question is, why aren't you upside down too?"
It hadn't come up in conversation with Thomas yet, but the traits could summon anything. Even if it didn't exist. It was actually rather amazing.

What Thomas also didn't know, was that Anxiety loved pranking the traits...when he could be bothered. And since they had insisted on shapeshifting throughout the entire last Sanders Sides video, he personally believed that he deserved to prank them.

This is how the sticky shoes came into existence.
Logic had noticed that Anxiety had not been seen since Thomas' last video. What if he was upset? Now, Logic was no good with feelings, but he didn't want anyone feeling sorrowful when Morality could easily cheer them up with bad puns.

They all conducted a search, splitting up until they all heard a knocking sound come from the bathroom.

As they opened the door, they saw nothing. However, Prince glanced up casually and let out the most feminine scream Anxiety had ever heard. Then there were three loud thuds as Prince panicked and fell, pulling the other two with him.

Anxiety couldn't help but let out the most gleeful and triumphant laugh any of them had ever heard. He had never laughed so hard before. Morality would have laughed along with him, but all he could do was ask, "Why are you upside down, kiddo?"

Letting out his excess giggles, the darker trait shrugged. "I think the real question is, why aren't you all upside down too?"

Logic gazed up at the mischievous trait with a weary expression etched into his features. "You have too much power."
Hello again! This was short but it was meant to be comical so I thought a shorter length would make more sense. It was so fun writing this oh my god.

Thanks to KaylaLee273 for requesting this!

No requests for now! Will accept them soon, I promise!

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