A Little Help

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Pairing(s): Prinxiety, Logicality, and platonic Analogical

Warnings: Mention of injury and panicking (?)

Prompt: Logic goes to Anxiety about his troubling romantic feelings for Morality, and Anxiety promises to help if Logic helps him with his crush on Prince.
Logic had never been good at dealing with feelings, but spending more time than necessary with Morality had made this fact worse. Especially since he had developed romantic feelings for the trait.

Luckily, he got the feeling that Morality felt the same way about him because although he was terrible at dealing with emotions, he could spot the symptoms of each one reasonably well. One of these signs included a state of being constantly flustered, and whenever he and Morality spent any time together, the paternal trait would have a permanent crimson blush on his cheeks and a difficulty in looking Logic in the eyes.

Despite knowing all of this, he still couldn't muster up the courage to tell Morality how he felt. He needed help.

And the only person he knew who was better with emotions than him, was Anxiety. Yes, usually he controlled negative emotions, but he was also the trait that caused Thomas' butterflies whenever he had a crush on someone. Therefore, Logic decided that he would be a better option than Prince, who was too... bold and over-confident. Logic would never be able to pull off the grand gestures involved in his ideas of love.

Ew. Logic hated that word.

Love was so complicated. It blurred a persons vision with so much hope and joy that their own logic became clouded.

He knocked on the door to Anxiety's space, waiting patiently for a reply. A gruff voice told him to go inside, and so he did.

"Logan? What do you want?"

There was no disgust or distaste in his voice, but mere surprise. Logic cleared his throat and clasped his hands together nervously. "I have come to ask for your advice and aid with something."

Once again, Anxiety stared at him in shock. "Me? I can barely take my own advice. Why would you want my help?"

"Other than... Morality," Logic paused before saying the name of his crush, embarrassed to even mention him, "you seem to be the best at interpreting feelings, even if you overthink a few things. And I am having some trouble with a certain emotion."

Humming quietly, Anxiety sat up on his bed. "Okay..." He clicked his tongue. "By the anxious pause when mentioning Dad, I'm going to guess that this is about him?"

Logic simply nodded, feeling his cheeks  heat up as the time for him to actually explain his issue drew nearer. Brushing a hand through his bangs, the darker trait eyed the usually so stoic trait as he shuffled awkwardly on the spot. "What's this emotion you're having a problem with anyway?"

Taking a deep breath, Logic fiddled with his necktie. "Well, it's... difficult to say, really. Considering I despise the idea of it. What emotion do people feel when they have a 'crush' on someone? Love seems like too strong of a word."

It was silent for a moment or two.

"Oh my God." Anxiety spoke in complete astonishment, feeling his jaw drop and his eyes widen. "There is no way that you have a crush on Dad."

Another silence.

"Oh. My. God."

"Please keep quiet." Logic pleaded, biting his lip and shuffling around nervously. "I need your help with how to inform him about how I feel."

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