Chapter 23

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Couple of days later (Friday)

Lexi: "please come to the movies with us"

Me: "I'm not third wheeling"

Lexi: "I told you,you wouldn't be third wheeling. Alex has a friend named Christian."

Me: "okay and?"

Lexi: "AND Christian is coming."

Me: "absolutely not!"

Lexi: "well I kinda already told them that you were coming."

Me: "LEXI!"

Lexi: "don't Lexi me just get dressed."

Me: "what are we seeing?"

Lexi: "nightmare on elm street. It's the old one. Special showing."

Me: "FUCK NO, you are hilarious, I'm definitely not going."

Lexi: "yes you are bring a sweater."

1 hour later

After I was finished getting ready I grabbed the first hoodie that I saw.

As we arrive at the theater I decide to put the hoodie on, and I notice who's it's is.

Me: "lex."

Lexi: "wha- who's sweater is that your bro- ohh I know who's it is."

Me: "I didn't know!"

Lexi: "sure you didn't."

As we enter the movie theater with Alex,Lexi and a already lousy date,Christian.

As the movie starts to get scary  I try to hold onto Christians hand, but he dodges me and moves his hand. I jump from the scare, and decide to leave. As I leave I accidently bump into someone.  

Shawn POV

Someone accidentally bumped into me causing me to spill a little bit of my popcorn...I was pissed,until I saw who it was Paige

Paige: " oh my god sor-"she turned around

Me:"No your good. Following me eh?"

Paige: "what no! My friend made me come see this movie" pointing to the sign.

I chuckle and realize that she's wearing my hoodie I gave her at the party

Me: "ohh brutal. Hey is that my hoodie?"

Paige: "yeah sorry it was the -"

Me: "no it's ok. It looks better on you than it does me."

Paige: "so what are you watching?"

My mums words going through my head "be yourself" but at the same time don't be a dork.

Me: " oh uh Fantastic beasts and where to find them. I'm kinda obsessed with Harry Potter." She looks kinda shocked. Oh fuck I creeped her out. Now she's gonna think I'm a nerd

Paige: "oh well have fun." Yep she thinks I'm a nerd.

She started to walk back, and I don't want her to and I blurted out not even realizing what I said

Me: "do you wanna a ya know watch it with me, you don't look very happy watching that"

Paige: "really? No you don't have to, I'll cover my face with the hoodie"

Me: "I hate watching movies alone. Come on friend it'll be fun." My god can I be any more of a creepy weirdo nerd?

Paige: "easy tiger I barley know you"

Me: "not yet" whispering so softly that she didn't hear it.

Paige POV

I texted Lexi as I was walking with Shawn to a much less scary movie,and more my type

Me: "hey I went to a different movie. Found someone I knew"

Lexi: "who?what movie?"

Me: "you won't believe it...Shawn and fantastic beasts and where to find them."

Lexi: "ohh Shawn but ewww to the movie I hate the wizard movies."

Me: "😢😱"

As I pressed send I went and saw the movie with Shawn but not like a date more like acquaintances.

---is it a date? Are they fiends or acquaintances? Did his moms advice work? Does Paige think Shawn is a weirdo creepy nerd? Hope you enjoyed tell me what you think,trust me guys your feedback helps,it actually gives me confidence to post more. ❤️❤️

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