Chapter 107

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Paige POV

After me telling Lexi I was dating Shawn and Shawn telling his friends I've never been happier because i have almost nothing to hide. I'm sitting in class when I get a text from Shawn

Shawn: "hey what are you doing Friday night?!" I read the text and immediately reply back

Me: "uh nothing I think. Why? What's up?"

Shawn: "well my friends really wanna meet you, so do you want to do something with them?!" I smile

Teacher: "miss lark pay attention" I sink in my seat as everyone looks at me

Me: "yeah sure. Whatever is good. But come over later today."

Shawn: "always, are you okay?!"

Me: "yeah I'm fine I just miss you...a lot" after class I meet Lexi at my locker

Lexi: "why what are you doing now this Friday?"

Me: "oh uh Shawn and I are doing something with his friends, don't know what but something" she raises her eyebrows

Lexi: "HIS FRIENDS!!!! Girl that's like meeting his parents. Tell me when you meet his parents"

Me: "okay yeah I will" she is about to walk away

Me: "hey lex, I met his parents"

Lexi: "God I miss everything. Omg wait he hasn't met Matt has he?!" I nod my head and she throws her hands up

Lexi: "I give up." I laugh as we walk to class

--sorry if it's boring, but yeah I hope you like it!!! Hope its a little funny. Vote and comment!!

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