Chapter 110

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Paige POV

I wake up on Saturday to the smell of cinnamon and I wipe my eyes and go downstairs.

Matt: "French toast! Since Laurie isn't here, I thought I would make the only thing I know how to do." I chuckle and take the plate and pour the syrup on my food. I'm sitting with marina just eating when my phone dings and she peeks over and sees its Shawn.

Marina: "hmmmm" she says with food in her mouth. I finish swallowing my food and look at her

Me: "swallow your food!" I laugh and look at my phone

Shawn: "hey babe! I know it's last minute, but do you want to go on a date. We haven't gone on a date in a long time"

I chuckle

Me: "babe, we had a date last night"

Shawn: "ugh no that's was with my friends. Just me and you" I smile at my phone.

I finished eating breakfast and go upstairs to change. Shawn is coming over in about thirty minutes. I'm doing my makeup and I see Shawn behind my mirror and jump

Me: "Jesus Christ you scared the shit out of me" he laughs and kisses my head and then tilts my head up so I can kiss his lips. I continue to do my makeup and Shawn is looking at me weird

Shawn: "don't know why you wear makeup. You look beautiful without." I sarcastically laugh

Shawn: "I'm serious. Next time we have a date your not wearing makeup"

Me: "so next date were staying home?!" He laughs and shakes his head no

Shawn: "nope. Public." Shawn continues to look at me while I do my makeup in awe.

--sorry if this is boring! It's kinda a filler chapter, mainly because I'm preparing you for the next couple of chapters. You will need tissues. Vote and Comment

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