1 - Confusion

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5 months later ~ May 26th 2018

Vanessa's POV

"Hey Aaron!" I shout down the hall. I hear shuffling and Aaron walks into the room, sitting at the end of our bed. "Me and Roni were thinking about going to see the wedding planners today." I tell him, smiling. "Oh, your going together?" He asks frowning. "It's okay, we will be seeing different planners, and you will be coming as well dumbo." I fake slap him in the head.

He laughs and pushes me off the bed, so I land with a thud. "Ouch!" I laugh, standing up and brushing myself off. He grins and I flop onto the bed next to him, receiving a quick kiss. "Of course I'll come." He nods his head. I smile and run out of the room to tell Roni.

"Roni he said he will!" I smile, bouncing up and down in the doorway. Roni looks up and smiles. "Good, because this one is too." She points to Collins, who waves. "Okay, I'll leave you two to cuddle again." I laugh, and Collins places a kiss on my sisters forehead. I quietly gag and walk out of the room, to be met with Tiger. "Hi tiger!" I coo, picking him up.

I place him back on the floor and pick up his favourite toy. Tiger begs and I give it to him, laughing. Aaron walks out of our room and joins me squatted on the floor. Aaron picks up a ball and throws it, knowing a vase. "Aaron!" I laugh, walking over to the vase. I shake my head. "Can you grab a brush and shovel while I put the dogs in another room?" I ask him, already picking the Tiger up, and walking over to star.

Aaron walks to the broom cupboard while I pick up the two dogs and place them in my room, closing the door. "Stay!" I motion, before going out to help Aaron. We clean up the mess when Roni and Collins walk out. "Ready to go?" Roni smiles. I gesture to the flowers on the floor, and pieces of glass in the bin. "Aaron kind of hit a vase." I chuckle. Roni laughs and picks up the flowers, moving them to a glass. She fills it with water and sets it on the sink. "Better?" She laughs.

Her and Collins put on their shoes while Aaron and myself fumble around to get ready. We finally get ready and jump in the car, heading to the wedding planners.

We arrive at a large building, decorated with cement pillars and detailing. It looks like a rather old building. We all head inside. "Hello how can I help you?" The nice lady at the reception smiles. "Yes, we are here to see two wedding planners." Collins smiles. The lady nods and types on her computer. "Appointments?" She asks. "Yes, one for Key and one for Van-Warmer. "Yes, rooms 5 and 6." She gestures to a corridor and we walk down.

"Room five!" I smile, Aaron walking in. "Good luck!" I smile to Roni, before following his actions. "Hello!" A nice lady greets us. "You must be Vanessa and Aaron, correct?" She smiles, typing in her computer. We nod. "So, have you thought about the type of wedding you will be wanting?" She asks, looking me in the eye. I look up at Aaron and he shrugs. "Not really." I say. "Oh my goodness, where are my manners! Please take a seat loves." She gestures to the seats. We sit down and begin to read some wedding magazines.

"I do like the gold theme like you mentioned Ness." Aaron nods, looking at me. I smile. "So, gold and white?" The lady smiles. We nod and the lady, who's name is Alexandra, types on her computer.

We begin to discuss cakes, wedding dresses, tuxes, food, venues, dates, guests, all that jazz. "We decided on the beach wedding, correct?" Alexandra says enthusiastically. We both nod. "We need to think of dates, so we can arrange more detail." Alexandra pulls out a pen and paper.

"Well, what dates are free?" I ask Alexandra. She looks into her computer and gives us a list of dates. "Presuming you want this year or early next year, we have June 17th and 29th, July 1st, 6th, 12th and 18th, August 6th and 19th, September 11th and 30th, October 31st, November 2nd, December 13th and January 22nd." Alexandra continues, handing us the list.

"Well, Collins and Roni will want July 6th, seeing as it is there one year anniversary." I smile, imagining how their interview is going. Aaron nods in approval, and we decide on July 18th, so that we have some time after Vollins wedding.

We thank Alexandra and walk outside, to be greeted by Collins and Roni. "Assuming that you chose your anniversary?" I ask Roni smiling. She nods her head, and rests it on Collins shoulder, well, arm. She is rather short compared to him.

Veronica's POV

We arrive home after the meetings. I am very excited about our wedding, we chose a park that is very sediment so to us, seeing as it is where we first met.


"Hey Nessa, I need to go to the bathroom." I say to Nessa, handing her tigers lead. She nods and sits down on a bench, picking up tigers ball and throwing it. I jog off to the nearest park bathroom, and do my business. I wash my hands and study my face in the mirror.

I walk outside the bathroom and scan the park for Nessa. I spot her over by a tree, her and Tiger must have moved locations. I smile and skip my way over. About halfway there, I run Into a hard chest. "Ouch." I mumble to myself, looking up too whoever I just bumped into.

An electric jolt of nerves shoots through me as I look into the strangers eyes. The boys blue eyes glisten in the sun as he smiles at me, pushing his blonde hair out of his face. I am staring at an actual God, and I look like a dork. Roni, be cool.

He puts his hand out, signalling for me to grab it. I smile and take it, his strength pulling me up, showing me his muscles for a brief moment. "Sorry." He smiles awkwardly, running his hand through his hair. "It's okay, I wasn't looking where I was going." I smile at him.

"Collins." He sticks out his hand. "Veronica." I smile, shaking his hand. "Aren't you Collins Key from YouTube?" I ask him, in a non-stalkerish way. "Yes I am. You are Veronica Merrell from the Merrell twins, right?" He asks. I nod my head. "Well, see you around Veronica." He smiles.

"See you around Collins. Also, you can call me Roni." I smile. "Cool. We should collab sometime?" He asks as a question, more than a statement. "Yes! Uh, do you want my number to arrange things?" I ask nervously. My heart skips a beat when he nods, handing me his phone.

I quickly type my number into his phone with shaking hands, leaving the name 'Cooler Twin ;)' and hand it back to him. He laughs when he reads the name. "I agree." He smiles. Damn that smile! I grin and twist my hair. "I gotta go. Text you later Roni." He smiles. I nod. "See you Collins." I smile, walking over to my sister.

At this moment I realise, I might have a crush on this boy.

*End of flashback*

I smile at the thought, and embrace Collins into a hug. I never thought this day would come, being able to call this God my fiancé. I stand on my tip toes and kiss him, laughing as he tickles me. "Stop!" I order. He does as I commands and stands aside.

We walk over to the couch and sit down, just as my phone rings. I groan and answer the unknown number. "Hello is this Veronica Merrell?" A lady asks. I recognise it as the woman we talked to at the planners. "Yes." I say. "We have some unfortunate news. You and Vanessa Merrell and Aaron Van-Warmers wedding dates have been mixed up, meaning they will be in the same day. The next available date for your location is in a few months. This is the same with Miss Vanessa and Mr Aaron, except their next date will be next year, seeing as their provider explained the wrong dates."

My mouth drops open as I process the information. "Are you both available to come into the planners offices tomorrow at noon?" The lady, who's name is Deb, asks me. "Yeah, we can. I'll just tell them now. Thank you!" I smile, hanging up the phone.

"Who was it?" Collins ask as Nessa and Aaron walk in, sitting on the couch with us. "It was our wedding planner. Our dates were mixed up, now both of our weddings are in the same day." Gasps occur from the room, then everyone silences, thinking about a solution.

A/N YAY ITS PUBLISHED! Hello! Welcome to my book! I hope you like it so far. I have a few ideas for this story, but please comment any ideas you have in the comments, or message me. :) This story is a continuation of 'Happily Ever after' so I suggest you read that first. Remember to vote and comment. I will try and shout ppl out more often, as a way of thanking you. Xx -zozobear

(Anyone who has seen the movie 'Bride Wars' Yeah, kinda stole the idea 😂)

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