30 - Divorce

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Vanessa's POV

I wake up the next morning feeling a lot better. That talk with Devan really helped, I'm glad we are friends again. I walk out of my room and knock on Ronis door. "Come in, we're awake." Roni laughs.

I walk into the room and sit down spin her desk chair, while her and Collins lay in bed. "Can we film a Tuesday video? I really miss talking to everyone." I smile. Roni nods her head. "We will film later, any ideas?" She looks at me and Collins.

We both shake our heads. "I'm going to go get stuff from the store, want anything?" I ask, standing up. "Bacon, eggs, and a video idea." Collins smirks. "Haha. I'll try my best. See ya later love birds." I laugh, walking out of their room, changing into presentable clothes, and heading to the supermarket.


I arrive at the supermarket and place a packet of bacon and a carton of eggs into my basket. I grab some raspberries, blueberries and strawberries, some milk, some bread and I find some dairy free Ice cream, unintentionally.

I go to pay for my items, and just as I am about to walk out the door, I hear someone say my name. "Vanessa." I spin around to see Aaron and Andrea standing behind me. "What do you want." I roll my eyes. "We need to sign those divorce papers." He smirks. I roll my eyes again. "1:30, I'll be at court. You better be there." I say, spinning round fast, causing my hair to whip him in the face.

"Alrighty then." He mumbles, as I turn my back to him and walk away.

A few hours later

Me and Roni arrive at court, and sit swim to wait for Aaron. After a few minutes he shows up, obviously with Andrea. The laser comes out, and gives us his speech, Aaron is quick enough to say he will divorce me. I hesitate.

He's done so many bad things to you, he doesn't like Roni! He got back with Andrea, he is selfish, he doesn't care about you! I talk in my head. "Yes." I mutter, wiping a tears out of my eye. I will really miss him, but I don't deserve him. I deserve someone better.

We get the papers, and once again, Aaron is extremely fast and hands it back. Tears roll down my face as I sign, drops getting onto the paper. "Thank you, you are free to go, and no longer have anything to do with each other." The lawyer smiles, walking out.

Aaron begins to walk out but I stand up and stop him. "Goodbye." I smile, hugging him for the last time. He snorts and walks away, with Andrea stuck to him like glue. I look over at Roni and sigh. "It's done."

Veronicas POV

We arrive back home, and I am happy for Nessa. She finally got rid of Aaron, something I wished from the start. He never really liked me, and I tried to hide it, but it was really hard.

Nessa is going to stay at our parents house for a few days, so it's just me and Collins in the apartment. "See ya guys! Don't have too much fun." She winks, hugs me, and walks out of the apartment.

When she leaves I rush over to the sink and throw up. "Are you okay?" Collins asks, coming to my aid. "Yeah, stomach bug I think." I mumble, giving him a hug. "Let's go lie down." He suggests. I nod my head and we turn on Netflix.

"Can we get Mcdonalds for dinner tonight?" I ask. Collins kisses my head. "Anything for you babe. What do you want?" He smiles, standing up and grabbing his wallet. "No, I'm coming!" I stand up, only to fall over again from exhaustion. "No, your way to sick. You stay here, I'll go."

I smile. "Thanks. I'll have a plain cheeseburger combo please." He grins and walks out the door. I wrap myself up in the blankets and fall asleep.


"Roni...." I get shaken awake by Collins. "I got your McDonald's baby." He smiles at me. I grin. "Thanks." I kiss him quickly, before opening up the brown paper bag and diving in. I didn't realize how hungry I am until I start eating.

"Collins, I'm gonna puke." I hold my hands over my mouth, before running to the bathroom as fast as I can. Collins rushes after me, and I make it to the toilet just in time. Collins hod, my hair and rubs my back.

"How long have you been sick for flounder?" He asks when I finish spewing. "I've been feeling gross for a few days, but it only just got bad this morning. I didn't want to make everything more complicated, so I kept it to myself." I blush, feeling awkward.

Collins grabs my hands, and I look into his blue eyes. "Hey, I want to know when your sick so I can take care of you, okay? I love you, so no more secret sicknesses." He kisses my nose. "No more secret sicknesses." I smile, standing up and helping him off the bathroom floor.

"Let's go finish our McDonald's, even though I probably put you off." I laugh, hugging his torso. "You never put me off anything." He chuckles, digging into his food. I look over at him, down to my stomach, and think about my sickness.

Maybe it's worse than i thought.

A/n Aaron's finally gone guys. Whoop. Sorry bout the short chapters but the next few chapters are going to be exciting! What do you think will happen? More Vollins that's for sure, becuase it's basically only been Vaaron drama, sorry about that. Keep voti and commenting becuase it means the world to me.
ily guys. Xx-zozobear

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