8 - I love you

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Vanessa's POV

I'm not sure what gray wants to tell me, so I listen in, when a doctor comes in holding Aaron's results. I rush over next to Aaron, shooting Grayson an, 'It's okay' smile. The lady smiles at me, her short blonde bob bouncing around her face.

"Mr Aaron Van-Warmer is okay, his tit he's in his hand will have healed themselves in a week or so, so he will need to come back when they are healed. He hit his head falling down, and he lost a lot of blood from his hand and head. He will need to drink lots of fluids to keep him hydrated, and keep the sugar levels down. He is welcome to leave the hospital when he awakens, due to be today or tomorrow." She smiles, handing us a medicine prescription paper.

"He will need to be on antibiotics for a few days, to get his body used to the lack of blood. We have also arranged a therapist, to discuss the consequences and seriousness of self harm and suicide." She exits the room.

I squeeze Aaron's hand, hoping he will wake up, so we can get out of this mess. "Roni she gave us the results." I smile as my sister enters the room along with Collins. "Ooo that's good, what did she say?" Roni smiles, sitting down. I tell her the results, before addressing Gray again.

"Sorry Grayson, what were you going to say?" I ask him, moving closer on the chair. "Well, ah... I wasn't planning to have everyone in the room...but I guess I have to.... Vanessa, the truth is that.. Um... I've been no,ding these feelings in for a while..." He stutters. "Spit it out gray! It's only gonna make things worse anyway." Ethan rolls his eyes and continues playing on his phone.

"Okay, Vanessa, I have been holding in some feelings ever since we met again at that event last year. They really started to show when we collages, and it caused us a lot of trouble. I just need to tell you, and I'm hoping you feel the same,but I know you won't. Vanessa I love you."

My mouth drops open and I send him a very surprised look. Everyone in the room except for Eth and Gray look stunned. I open my mouth to respond, when I feel pressure on my hand. It's Aaron, squeezing my hand to signal he is awake.

"Aaron your okay!" I grin, tears forming in my eyes. He slowly opens his eyes and smiles at me. "I..I love you Ness. I'm so...sorry for anything and everything I...I have done." He stutters. I smile and give him a kiss. "Your forgiven." I smile, facing Grayson, not letting go of Aaron's hand.

"I love you too Grayson." I say with a bland face, and everyone gasps. "But who do you love more? Me or him?" He asks with concern, standing up. "Aaron. I love you Grayson, but not as a boyfriend, as a brother. You are supportive and kind, but I don't see tou like that." I smile, hugging Aaron.

"Oh thank God. Nessa you really scared me!" Roni laughs nervously, exhaling a long held in breath. "Yeah me to!" Collins replies. I laugh quietly as Aaron sits up. "Can you help me up?" He asks me. I nod and help him stand up. He walks over to Aaron and stands in front of him.

Aaron raises his fist and punches Grayson right in the nose. "Don't come breeds us again, got it?" Aaron says, grinning to himself. Grayson stands up shocked, and rushes out of the room, slipping in the slick floor. "Aaron! There was no need to do that!" I say, while Roni laughs.

"Roni it's not funny!" I say, looking shocked. "But he deserved it! And if Aaron didn't, I was going to. Good job!" She laughs, fist bumping Aaron. I lightly slap her, then join in laughing.

Veronica's POV

We head back home, picking up Aaron's prescriptions on the way. We jam out in the car, but little does Collins know I have something very special planned for him tonight. We arrive at the apartment and we all fall in the couch.

"Hey babe..." I look up at Collins. "I'm hungry! Do you wanna go get me Taco Bell?" I ask with puppy dog eyes. "And why would I do that?" He laughs, tickling me. "Because you love me?" I say, in between laughs. "Oh alright. Aaron wanna come?" He asks. Aaron nods his head and gives Nessa a quick kiss before leaving.

Once the door closes me and Nessa begin our plan. "So, did you want the lounge or your room?" She asks. "The lounge if that's okay." I smile. She nods and runs into her room. She comes out with piles of pillows and blankets, and flops onto them once they are on the ground. "This is hard work." She laughs. I grin. "Thank you Nessa." I smile.

- - - - - - - -

Collins texted me saying it would be a while longer, so me and Nessa had a lot more time to set up. I place the last bowl down and stand back to look at our work, high-fiving my sister in the process. I wrap my arm around her, and she steals a Doritos from the packet. We both laugh and look at our creation again.

We brought in chairs and tables to create the outline of a fort, covering it with blankets. Inside are millions (not literally millions) of pillows and stuffed animals, leant up against the back of the couch.  On the coffee table are bowls of lollies, chips, fruit, pretzels, chocolate,  cookies, doughnuts and lots more snacks. There is also a required spot for Taco Bell. We hung a sheet over the TV and the end of the couch, so we are in our own little theatre. I quickly write a note to Collins on the table and run to my hiding space.

I hear the door unlock and footsteps enter the house. "Hey guys!" Nessa greets them, mumbling something else. "Woah what's this?" Collins exclaims, his voice coming closer. "Here's a little something special, enjoy it, Flounder?" Collins reads my note out loud. "Where are you flounder?" He asks. "Boo!" I jump out behind him, and he screams like a little girl. I catch him before he knocks over the whole fort.

"You did this all for me?" He gestures at the fort. I nod my head. "Because I love you. And you do nice gestures for me all the time." I smile, hugging him. "I'm going to steal some of these doughnuts, cookies and Doritos, and we'll be in our room." Nessa smiles, taking some food, grabbing her Taco Bell bag and walking with Aaron into their room.

"What do you want to watch?" I ask him, sitting down. "Anything. I don't really mind. As long as I'm with you, and Taco Bell." He laughs. I nudge him and we put on a scary movie, huddled up together in the comfort of our fort.

I lean on his shoulder as the second movie finishes, and he pops the last doughnut into his mouth. I yawn slowly, holding Collins hand. "I'm tired. Night Superhero. I love you." I smile, resting my head on his lap, and closing my eyes. Collins lifts up my chin and kisses me for a solid ten seconds. "I love you more flounder. Now and forever." And with that, we both fall asleep in each other's embrace, pillows and popcorn kernels everywhere.

A/N ngaw. I didn't think we had enough Vollins in this book. What do you guys think is going to happen next? Will Grayson return? What about Andrea? Tell me your thoughts. Ily guys, keep voting and commenting so I know you like the story. Xx -zozobear

(Also thanks merrelltwins_winners for helping with parts of this chapter😂)

After Ever After - Merrell TwinsWhere stories live. Discover now