2 - What?

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Vanessa's POV

Me and Aaron were up late last night, thinking about what we could do about the whole wedding scenario. We decided just to let the planners so their job, and they will sort out further information. I wake up and check the clock, reading 9am. I yawn and roll on top of a sleeping Aaron.

"Morning doughnut! Ooo, doughnuts sound good right now." I day dream, a bit of drool escaping my mouth. Gross. I quickly wipe it away and pull the covers onto us. Aaron expresses a chuckle, and his body bounces up and down, causing me to fall back on my side of the bed. (There's always an elbow or a knee on my side, I just wanna SNUGGLE because I LOVE you! (Anyone?) 😂)

I flop out of bed and make my way to the kitchen, to be greeted by the smell of pancakes. "Roni you can actually read my mind, your amazing." I smile at my sister who is cooking breakfast. She grins and does a silly pose, causing me to laugh and trip over Tiger.

"Sorry Tiger!" I laugh, before sending a glare at Roni who is dying of laughter on the floor. "Alright alright, enough." I say, standing up and brushing myself off. I try and be helpful by cutting some fruit, but end up making a mess. "Today's not your day Ness." A grumpy voice says from the door way.

I laugh and turn around to find Aaron looking very grumpy at the fact I woke him up. He starts to walk towards me, his pace quickening with each stride. I drop the fruit and bolt to the couch, covering myself with a blanket. "Bad move." Aaron smirks, running over to me.

I scream and cover my head, as he picks me up and tosses the blanket off me. I scream again as he walks to the door, opening it and lacing me outside. "It's... So... Cold! Aaron!" I squeal as he shuts the door, locking it. "Aaron please it's cold! I'm I'm my pjs!" I bang on the door. I groan as he doesn't open it.

I can hear the three of them laughing inside, so I shrink down into a ball on the floor and put my head on my hands. The door behind me opens and I take this as my chance. I roll inside backwards like a bug, knocking Aaron over. I push him outside and slam the door. "Your turn! I yell through the door, laughing hysterically.


We finally get ready and dressed and head to the planning office. We arrive and sit in the waiting room, I pick up a random magazine and skim read it, not paying attention to the words.

"Keys and Van-Warmers?" A lady calls. I smile and put down the magazine, that turned out to be fishing, linking arms with Aaron. The four of us walk into a small and compact room, with light pink flowers dotting the walls and a small desk cramped up against a wall.

The lady sits down and we all take seats jagged around the room. "So, about your weddings." The lady sighs. I read the name tag on her desk, Cassie. This must've been the woman that Roni saw. "Your weddings have been misplaced, Alexandra, that Aaron and Vanessa saw gave the wrong dates, meaning your wedding was pushed back to the nearest date, June 6th."

The room stays silent as we process the information. "We won't be able to be at each other's weddings?" Roni whimpers. Cassis nods apologetically. "But she's my twin! There's bound to be another way." I ask, standing up in frustration. "I'm sorry miss Vanessa, but the next appointment for your location of choice is next year in May." Cassis sighs.

"When is our next date?" Collins asks. "August 5th." Cassis says quickly. Collins and Roni look at each other. "We'll take it." They say in sync. I gasp. "No! It's your anniversary, you guys have it, it is special to you! We will take May." I say and Aaron nods. "No! We are not letting you wait that long! Ours is only a couple of months, yours it next year!" Roni exclaims. "Ness has already established that we will not be on June 6th, they will." Aaron gestures to Collins and Roni.

Roni groans, realising she has lost this battle, and sits back down. "Fine. But your not waiting a year." She crosses her arms, looking at Collins. Collins nods. "Double wedding." He smiles. "That is a great idea!" Cassis chimes in.

Veronica's POV

I look at Nessa for hope, and see her eyes glistening as she talks to Aaron quietly, glistening with excitement. "Okay." Nessa smiles. I stand up and hug her, while Cassie types on her computer.

We begin to rearrange the wedding themes and places. Since the two pairs of us want different locations, we have to compromise. We all decided on this beautiful piece of land, with trees, bushes flowers and grass spread along the floor, and a short walk down a path leads to a beach, another to a town. There is a little hurt there, and they hold weddings there. Convenient, because it was were we all hung out together for the first time.

*hey look another flashback*

We all hop out of the car and close the doors. I grab all the water bottles and throw it to each person. Colin's catches his, Nessa misses, and Devan just lets it drop on the ground.

I giggle and lock the car, jogging to meet up with the others. We climb the steep path, past the hutts and things on the way up. We arrive at the top and look at the view, a view over the whole city, ocean and sky.

Collins comes and stands next to me, we have been friends for a few months, ever since he knocked me over in the park and we did our first collab. He smiles downs at me and I smile up at him. I hear a whack! From somewhere behind me. I turn around at the same time as Collins to find Devan on the ground, and Nessa laughing, while  trying to help him up.

"What happened?" Collins asks. "He.. Tried...a.....backflip....and...slipped....and....fell...
sorry!...I'm...laughing..its..so....funny!" Nessa stutters in between laughs. She helps him up off his face and props him against a tree.

"Aaron's coming!" Nessa smiles, as her boyfriend appears at the top of the trail. Nessa hugs him and walks over to Devan, explaining what happened.

We all hang out up the top, playing hide and seek, sitting and eating, exploring the grounds.. Being little kids agin basically. "Is t this the first time we have all hung out together?" Collins asks. We all nod. The only time we have hung out was collabing, and that is different than this situation.

I pull a picnic blanket out of my bag and lay it in the long grass. We all sit down on the blanket and look up at the sky. Nessa brings out some doughnuts and we all laugh at her obsession. "I do admit I have a problem, but they are so good!" She smiles, biting into a sugary treat.

We lay in the sun for hours until the sun starts to set. We take photos for Instagram because we are you tubers, and need Instagram photos to tell people what we are up to! I lay next to Collins on the blanket as the others take photos, and resist the temptation to hug him. Ever since we first met my crush has grown larger.

His eyes close so I run his shoulder to wake him up. He sits up and our faces are inches apart. "You can't go to sleep yet Key." I laugh. He helps me pack up our stuff and I think to myself "Why has he got you in this trance? Let's see where this goes."

*End of flashback*

A/N SORRY I HAVEN'T POSTED IN A WEEK I haven't had any ideas, and school is annoying, and I just haven't got around to writing :( also sorry JillianBargo  for not posting yesterday like I said, I had to go to a dinner party. I think I'm going to make these chapters a bit shorter as well, atm they are around 1000-1500 words, and I think I'm going to make them more 800-1100 words :) xx -zozobear

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