7 - Tears

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Vanessa's POV

I knock on the door on Aaron's parents house with no response. I knock louder and hear a very quiet mumble from inside. I check the door and its unlocked, so I rush around the house looking for Aaron. I open the door to the bathroom and find Aaron sprawled on the floor, blood seeping out of his arm and his eyes closing. "Aaron!"

I run over to him and look at his wrist, he is holding a knife. He was trying to kill himself, looks like he might of succeeded. "Aaron please!" I whisper, tears falling down my face. I frantically search for a bandage, finding some tissues in the drawer. I open them and hold them On his wrist, my hands turning red with his blood.

"Roni! Help!" I scream at the top of my voice, tears pouring onto his chest. She must have heard me, or got the twin vibe, because I hear footsteps and see her appear at the door. "Oh my god what happened?" Roni asks, taking out her phone. "He tried cutting himself, he has lost a lot of blood." I say, as she wipes away a tear from my eye.

Roni proceeds to call 911 and I grab more tissue, applying it to his bleeding wrist. Roni ends the call and checks Aaron's pulse. "It's good, I'm not a doctor but he is breathing and I think it is slowing down." Roni says after listening to his chest. She searches for another sort of bandage, and finds one in the back of a cupboard.

She throws it to me and I wrap it around his wrist, the blood seeping through. I hear a knock on the door, and Roni runs to answer it. Seconds later, three paramedics show up at the door, holding medical equipment and pulling a stretcher.

"Family?" One of the paramedics asks me, while we wait outside. "Fiancé." I say, forgetting our argument. "Oh. Congrats." She smiles, standing in front of me and Roni as they wheel Aaron out of the bathroom. "You did a great job getting to him quickly. He would have lost a lot more blood if it wasn't for you two." The lady smiles, walking us to the ambulance.

As we sit in the ambulance, why I was coming to see Aaron floods into my memory. I sob into Ronis shoulder and she comforts me, being the good sister she is. We arrive at the hospital and they bring Aaron into a room, making us stand outside.

Roni rings Collins and tells him where we are. After about fifteen minutes, him and Ethan show up. I forgot Ethan was still at our house with Collins. Ethan sits by me and starts to apologize, for nothing really. "What are you apologizing for? Your not Gray. You might be his brother, twin In Fact, but being a twin myself makes me realize you are two different people who don't always need to speak for each other." I say, turning back and facing the patients and nurses rushing around.

"Your right. Gray is pretty stupid." He laughs. I crack a small smile, when a nurse comes out of the room and stands in front of us. "Mr Aaron Van-Warmer lost a lot of blood trying to self harm. We have given stitches and cleaned up the blood, but he knocked his head in the process of falling, so he is in a Coma. If any of you have any notice of why he self harmed, please let us know, so we can get him into therapy about the consequences, and other ways to control hard times. Thank you. You can see him now." The lady smiles and walks away.

We all walk in, and I hold Aaron's good hand. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything. Letting Gray come over, letting Devan take advantage of me, not listening to you, not being supportive, and making everything harder than it already is. I know you are going through a lot, with you grandma passing away, but know I'm always here for you, in hardest of times." I smile, wiping s tear from my eye. I go sit next to Roni and let Colljns talk to his Buddy.

Me and Roni have small conversation, until a knock on the door diverts our attention to it. I expect it to be a doctor, and smile, when a face I don't want to see appears. My smile turns into a frown, and I cross my arms. "What are you doing here?"

Grayson's POV

I was sitting on the couch, half asleep when I got a text from Ethan. It said that Aaron was hurt, and everyone was at the hospital. I decided to go see him, and apologize for everything before its to late. I hopped in the car and drove to the hospital, playing on my mind what to say to Nessa.

Now I am outside the door. I enter the room to be greeted with frowns. "What are you doing here?" Nessa asks, crossing her arms. "I wanted to apologize." I say, walking over to Aaron, who is laying unconscious on the bed. "Aaron if you can hear me, I never meant to hurt anyone. I was so caught up in the moment, I'm sorry. Please don't die on us. Love Grayson." I smile, going to sit between Eth and Nessa.

"Hey Nessa." I smile. "Hi." She says blandly. "Look, I like you. I know you love Aaron, which is great. I'm happy for you. Really I am. Please don't let him cancel your relationship because of me." I sigh. "To late." She says sadly, a tear running down her cheek. She leans over and sobs into my chest. I hold her tight and, coo her, rocking her gently back and forth.

We start to chat about random things, and start our friendship from the beginning again. "Wait, how do you not like lizards?" I ask astonished. I had a pet lizard for a few weeks, okay days, okay hours, okay I saw it in the backyard and named it Gerald, but besides the point.

"They are gross and scary! They are going to take over the world someday I'm hopefully not around, and you will take me seriously." She says, folding her arms. "Yep okay." I laugh. "Hey, we are going to get some food, you want anything?" Collins asks, standing up with Roni. I shake my head and Nessa asks for a muffin. They hold hands as they leave and me and Nessa continue to talk, adding Ethan to the conversation at times, I sort of forgot he was there.

Aaron stirs and Nessa runs over to him, smiling at me. "Your cute when your scared." I grin. She blushes and huddles over Aaron awkwardly, whispering in his ear. "Nessa I have something to tell you, I need to get it off my chest." I say, wiping my forehead, Ethan looks at me with shock, knowing what I'm going to say. "Do t do it. It'll make things worse." He warns me.

"I need to." I smile, walking over to her. "Nessa, I...." I start, but get cut off with a doctor rushing in. "We have results." She frowns, walking over to Aaron. Nessa gives me a small smile and mouths, "it can wait." I guess I will have to wait a little longer to tell her how I really feel.

A/N what do you think he wants to say? Tell me in the comentsssss. I have a teacher only day tomorrow, but I am going to a friends birthday, so I won't be able to publish. :( I will publish on Saturday tho. :) keep voting and commenting! Xx -zozobear

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