22 - Greece & Hawaii

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Collins POV

I wake up to sun rays lining the white sheets of the bed. I look over to see my beautiful wife next to me. I'm so happy she agreed to last night. I kiss her on the cheek and start to make my way out of bed, when she stirs. "Stay.....please?" She mumbles, not opening her eyes.

I laugh quietly and snuggle back into bed with her, our bare bodies sharing heat. "I need a get dressed now." I smile, after about ten minutes. "Okay..." She yawns, letting go of our embrace. "What's the time?" She yawns, rolling into her back. "10:30am. We have to leave at 12, so you should probably get up if you wanna see Nessa." I laugh, wrapping a towel around my waist.

"Okay. I'm coming." She groans, rolling into the floor. "Ouch." She mutters, standing up. I laugh, walking into the shower, thinking about stuff. "Crap." I face palm. We didn't use protection last night.

- - -

We finally finish packing our suitcases, and make it to the lobby. "Have fun in Hawaii!" I bro hug Aaron, as the twins have another goodbye. "I'll see you back in LA!" I hear Roni call. I turn around to see them hug one more time, before Roni runs to me and holds my hand. We both wave over our shoulders, and make our way to the airport.

We arrive and sit at our gate. Roni shrinks her coffee and gazes into the distance. "Roni.." I start, but she cuts me off, putting her coffee down. "I know. About last night..." "It was great. But just one thing..." I say again, looking into her eyes. "Protection." We say in sync. "On the slight chances, like, 0.5 percent I am....would you want to have a? You know..." "Kid?" I finish. She nods her head, embarrassed.

I grab her hands and tilt her head up. "Having a kid with you would be the most amazing thing in the world." I smile, kissing my wife. She smiles and gives me a huge bear hug. "I would only ever want you to be the father of my child." She whispers in my ear. I grin, and we walk hand in hand to the gate as it gets called.

We board the plane and get seated at the very back. I take an Instagram picture of flounder looking out of the window, perfect as always. "You know what song I've been listening too at the moment? It's one from last year...but it's really good." I ask her. She looks up at me and shakes her head.

"Runner runner." I smile, squeezing her hand. Flounder turns all red and hides in the corner of the seat, well, tried to anyway. "Who was the inspiration to write that...may I ask?" I smile, already knowing the story. "You."

Flashback May 2017 (Vollins and Devnessa not together yet)

"Collins stop!" Veronica screeches from the passenger seat. "What? No one is on the road!" I laugh, stepping on the peddle. "We have to beat Nessa and Devan!" I say, focusing not the road. "But its raining and you might slip!" Roni pleads.

I touch her hand and slow the car down, and an electric vibe rushes through me. I look into her eyes and smile. "Eyes on the road!" She laughs. Her laugh is the cutest. "I know your sad about Nessa...but this'll make you feel better." I grin.

Her sister recently got in a big fight at their school, screaming, fist fights, etc etc. she has been down and I thought a car race would cheer both her and Nessa up. And I know Dev likes Nessa and I like Roni, so this would be a good opportunity to bond.

"Let's break the rules. Run away from them. They won't care, I know a shortcut. It doesn't matter. " I suggest. She shrugs, and I sharp left, causing her to slide int the door. "Collins!" She screams, laughing. "Collins, Collins!" She scream again, as I do more sharp turns with the car.

"As your screaming Collins Collins." I joke in the same tune as 'runner runner' (not out yet). "That's a good tune. Sing it again!" She pleads. "As your screaming Collins Collins?" I question. "Your not helpful. Look, They made it!" She points to Nessa and Devans car. "Gosh dang it collins." She laughs, smiling up at me.

End of flashback

Vanessa's POV

Collins and Roni leave for their trip to Greece, leaving me and awareness standing there in the middle of beautiful Hawaii. "What do you wanna do?" I ask Aaron, holding his hand. "I don't know. You wanna go swim?" He suggests. I nod my head excitedly and we rush to get our swim gear.

We arrive at the beautiful beach already changed into our swim gear. Aaron picks me up over his shoulder and carries me to the water. "AARON!" I scream, hitting his back furiously. "To late darling, I gave you a five second run away but you were to slow." He laughs, chucking me into the water.

I land with a splash and glare up at him, my wet hair dripping down into my face. "Your on." I grin evily, standing up and splashing him with water. I run after him as he jogs to the sand, flicking sand behind him. "You can catch me!" He taunts.

I run and jump on him, causing him to fall into the sand. I quickly start to build a sand abracadabra around him, digging him deeper into the sand. "Vanessa?" He asks confused, as I tie some seaweed around his sand body. "You'll never escape." I smile, kissing him on the cheek. I stand up just after finishing the mermaid tail. "Perfect." I grin, looking down at the muscular mermaid in front of me.

Aaron struggles to get out but I tied him in to tight. "Vanessa!" He screams, trying to escape. I quickly take a photo before running to the safety of our stuff. I look back over and about 100 meters away I see some girls around the age of 9 looking at Aaron with awe. One girl bravely steps up and touching Aaron's tail, causing me to die of laughter at his face. He sends a glare my way and I shrug my shoulders.

I apply some sunscreen to my stomach before looking over, to see an explosion of sand, 3 girls fetting very scared, and an angry Aaron coming my way. I throw aside the sunscreen but it's to late. Aaron picks me up and hugs me, getting me extremely sandy. "Truce?" I plead before he gets to the patch of sand.

He shakes his head and puts me down, covering me with sand. I try to expscape but his grip is tight. Aaron finishes with the sand and stands up, smiling at me. I sigh, I'm not nearly as strong as him, and am not going to be able to escape easily. Dang, this is gonna be a long day.

I am actually  extremely sorry I have had writers block, been sick, my iPad kinda died completely and wasn't working, I have been busy with school, and I kinda just didn't have ideas.
this is a bad chapter I know, it's kind of a filler cuz I have big things coming up in future chapters ;)
A lot has happened in the time I've been gone from watt pad that I want to address. If you don't wanna read you can go. Bai
1. The twins released runner runner and it is so freaking good I've been listening to it on repeat!
2. The twins didn't win a tca, and neither did the Dolan twins. People keep saying it's rigged and I agree, sorry to burst your bubble but the votes don't count. The producers choose out of the top 4 people, who has the most subs to gain them the most popularity. Apparently the Dolans were ment to get the award, hence why they were behind Liza, but the producers chose Logan at the last minute, why he didn't have a speech and was spinning on the chair. But the Merrell twins cleared it up on a broadcast that it was just that no one knew what was happening.
3. The twins posted a new video "The Trashy Life" it's pretty funny go watch it if you haven't.

Lol sorry for the long rant and not posting but I'll try and get back into it now that I have a plan. Ily guys keep voting and commenting it means the world to me. Xx - zozobear

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