25 - Selfishness

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Vanessa's POV

Aaron slept on the couch last night. I guess he wanted time to think for himself. He is being so selfish at the moment, all I want to do is stay with him and Roni and Collins for a while. Maybe a year, I dont know, but he is making it so difficult.

I wake up stressed, thoughts running through my mind. I lean over to my phone and check the time, 5:45. I decide to go on a run to get my emotions out. I slip on my run I clothes and tie up my shoes, before grabbing some headphones, my phone, wallet and house keys.

As I tiptoe past Aaron I see tiger in his cage next to star. I love star, but he reminds me of Aaron and I can't be thinking of him right now. "Sorry." I whisper, as I grab tigers lead and let him out of the cage.

Me and tiger leave the apartment into the fresh morning air. The sun is just rising and the scenery is beautiful. I jog down the stairs, tiger missing every second step and pulling me down faster. We arrive at the bottom and I decide to run to a close supermarket to get some fruit.

I start jogging, music blasting in my ears, and tiger pulling on the leash. A bunch of thoughts run through my head as I jog, and 'problem' by Ariana grande isn't helping the situation, so I quickly change the song.

I feel myself start to sweat as I hear the supermarket. I stop running at the entrance and wipe my forehead. I tie tiger to an outside bench and walk inside, grab a bunch of bananas, some strawberries, raspberries, blueberries and kiwi fruit, pay, and walk back outside.

I untie tiger as the sky turns a light blue, and I can tell it is going to be a nice day. I smile as I walk home, I've done enough running, I feel much better and a lot happier, which I like because I think happy is the best personality.

Aaron's POV

I wake up to a sore back, forgetting I was on the couch. "Oh yeah." I mumble, checking the time on the clock. "6:30." I read aloud, laying back on the couch. I hear a door click and look over, to see Nessa taking off her shoes looking puffed.

"Where have you been?" I yawn, turning on the tv. "On a run. Took tiger, got some fruit." She says bluntly, walking to the kitchen and dropping off the stuff. "I'm going to take a shower." She exclaims. "Nice day outside." She adds cheerfully, like her mood hit a switch and changed. I shrug it off and watch the tv.

"Morning." Collins yawns, walking into the kitchen about five minutes later. "Ooh yum, did you get the fruit?" He asks, grabbing a banana. "Nessas. I'm sure she won't mind if you take one." I say sarcastically, looking over at the half devoured banana in his hands.

"Whoops." He states, as Nessa comes into the room. She stands there and laughs. "It's okay. Where's Roni?" She smiles, proceeding to cut the fruit and add it to a bowl. "Sleeping." Collins mumbles with his mouth full. "I'm going to wake her and see if she wants fruit salad." Nessa smiles, putting down the knife and walking in to see her sister.

"So your really okay with us staying here?" I ask Collins, Standing up. "Yeah. The more the merrier. Besides, I like seeing Roni happy, and being with her sister makes her happy." Collins smiles, loading a dirty plate into the dishwasher. "Yeah.. Well don't you get annoyed at all by the amount of time they spend together.?"

I ask, desperately trying to get the answer I want out of him. She shakes his head though. "They are twins, and Roni knows how to share herself, I don't have to argue with Nessa. The three of us have a pretty good bond." Collins smiles, finishing loading the dishwasher and walking past me and onto the couch.

"Your not helping!" I yell, instantly regretting it. The two girls come out and stand in the door way. "Not helping what?" Nessa asks, leaning on the doorframe.

"Aaron here is being salty about you wanting to spend time with Roni." Collins says abruptly, causing me to go red with anger. "Well, yeah. I guess." I mumble. "Aaron..." Nessa says sympathetically. "Nessa please...let me rant." "Let him rant." Roni agrees, going to sit with Collins.

"Look, I love you and your sister, and this house and Collins, but I am sick of having to share you! If we moved out we would have so much time to ourselves and less time watching over another couple! We could be parents Nessa, but these two get in the way of that. I get you have a twin but you have spent 22 years with her, isn't it time to move on?" I ask, grabbing her hands.

She looks away from me. "Aaron, I know it sounds selfish but it's not that easy. Roni is my other half and living without her is like loosing a piece of me. I'm not ready yet. Im sorry." She apologizes, letting go of my hands.

"Fine!" I snap, loosing it. "If no one in this house understands me or my values, I'm just gonna go!" I yell, picking up my phone, wallet, jacket, shoes,stars leash, star himself, amd my keys. "Bye." I say, walks out the door, with no idea of where I'm going to end up.

A/n this is a shorter chapter sorry. But things are getting intense! Sorry there is not much Vollins drama, but I don't want them to have drama because I love their relationship to much, and it is what I based my first book on. So...eh. Don't forget to vote and comment so I know you like the story. Xx - zozobear

Ps: shoutout to Sameerasam6 for all the support lately x there are so many people that give me support on this book so if you are reading this I thank you so much! Ily. x

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