29 - Problems

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Veronicas POV

I hear Aaron start to scream at Nessa, so I look over at Collins and he nods, before we head out of our room, tip toeing towards the argument. Aaron walks over to the door and opens it, revealing a person I never wanted to see again.


"Nessa meet my friend Andrea." Aaron smiles, hugging her. "Andrea? Your friend that you wanted to bring was Andrea?" Nessa yells, standing up, tears pouring down her face. Me and Collins are standing in the doorway speechless, my hand gripping his tightly, protection me from rushing over and helping my sister fight.

"Well yeah, we have something to say." Aaron smiles, putting his arm around her. I don't even want to say her name. "We are back together." Andrea smiles, kissing Aaron passionately. I see Nessas face break, and she sits back down on the couch.

"I'm sorry Nessa, not really." Aaron smirks, kissing Andrea again. "Don't call me that. Call me Vanessa, actually, don't call me at all. Block my number, because I'm defiantly blocking yours."

"Oo, burned baby." Andrea laughs, holding Aaron's hand. "I hate you." Nessa mumbles, turning her back on the 'new couple'. Aaron snorts. "By the way, I think a divorce is best." He yells.

"I was planning on it!" Nessa screams, chucking her wedding ring at his face, run I into her room, and locking the door. I finally loose my chill, looking at the two of them standing there. I gesture for Collins to let go of my hand and he does, knocking lightly on the door of Nessa room, asking for entrance.

"Leave." I mumble. They look at me confused. "Leave!" I scream. "You don't deserve to be walking in this premises when you hurt my sister so bad! Your a jerk! Never come back to this house, or wherever me, Nessa, or Collins live! You and your little mouse trap can run away together now, I bet your so happy." I yell, as they laugh. "Go!" I scream, and they finally obey, walking out of the house.

"Any luck?" I ask Collins, patting him on the back. He shakes his head. "I'll try." He nods, and walks out to the lounge, probably surprised by all the action. I know I lightly on her door. "Nessa? It's Roni. Can I come in?" I ask softly.

The door unlocks, and Nessa goes back to sitting on her bed, ripping up pictures of her and Aaron. "Hey, you can talk to me. Yell, cry, whisper, whatever you want to do, I'll listen." I smile, situ next to her and rubbing her back. "That jerk." She whispers, tears running down her face.

"He is such an asshole." Nessa cries, cutting up the final picture into a pile on the floor. "You want to get Krispy Kreme to cheer you up?" I ask, still rubbing her back. She nods, and smiles a small smile. "Let's go, but when we are there, can I sit by myself? I need some alone time, but I need to know your there to help if I need you."

I nod my head and wipe her tears. We stand up and I give her a big hug, before following her out the door. "Collins, we are going to Krispy Kreme, be back soon. Love you." I smile, kissing him over the couch. "Have fun, love you too." He grins, as we walk out of the house over Nessas wedding ring laying on the floor.

Vanessa's POV

We arrive at Krispy Kreme, and I give Roni a hug before ordering twelve original doughnuts, and sitting at a table at the front, watching the happy people walk in and out of the shop. Thoughts run through my head before a figure sits down next to me.

"Hey Nessa." He says cheerfully. "Oh, hi Devan." I fake a smile, before going back to a frown. "What's up? No need to ask why your here, your always here." He laughs. I giggle quietly. "Well, I'm going through some tough times." I admit, grabbing my fourth doughnut.

"Let me get my doughnuts, then we can talk." He smiles, standing up and joining the Que. I stand up and walk to Roni, who is seated a few tables behind me by a window. "You can come over to my table if you want, I found Devan and we are going to chat for a little bit." I smile.

She shakes her head. "I'm alright, it's nice to think by myself for once. You guys chat." She laughs, smiling too. I grin and walk back to my table, just in time for Devan to sit down. "Ready for a rant?" I laugh, biting my doughnut again. He nods his head. "Ready as anything."


I tell him everything. From the start of our rocky relationship to the end, skipping the parts where Devan comes in, because that's awkward now that we are friends. "Wow. I'm so sorry, I know there's nothing I can do, but I am always here to listen." He smiles, eating a doughnut out of my box. "Hey!" I laugh, smoothing it in his face, he laughs and wipes it with a napkin.

While he's not looking I steal a doughnut form his box and shove it whole in my mouth. He looks suspiciously at me. "Did you take one?" He laughs. I shake my head, mouth full of stolen goods. "Alright, whatever you say." He shakes his head, continuing to clean up the mess.

"Thanks for the chat Devan, it means a lot." I smile. "You have a lot of problems, just ring up if you want someone to rant to, but just know I'm not someone for advice, I'm someone with ears." He laughs. I smile, and give him a quick hug. "I got to go, bye!" He smiles, walking out.

"That was nice, just talking to someone that's not you." I smile, as Roni stands up next to me. "Hey! Am I not good enough?" She holds her heart in disbelief. "Your better than good enough." I wrap my arm around her shoulder, and we walk back to the car.

"You know what would make this refresher even better?" I ask, as we get in the car. "What?" She replies. "Starbucks." I grin. "Oh girl, you know what's up." She laughs, turning on the car and heading to Starbucks.

A/n WHY AM I MAKING AARON TH BAD GUY? lol I'm sorry. But guess who wrote two chapters in half an hour? Me! Lol I'm proud of myself. Also, I love Devan and Nessas friendship, their such good friends lolol. I don't think I'm going to get Nessa to date anyone for a while, recoveries. But some drama is gonna happen sooooooon. Yas. Keep voting and commenting! I love you guys! Xx- zozobear

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