37 - Congratulations!

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Collins POV
The next day

"Come on we need to get there quickly so we can have the most time to set up!" I pant, putting the last balloon pack in the car. "Are your parents even there yet?" Nessa asks me, getting in the backseat.

"Yeah they just texted me. When we arrive we can talk for about fifteen minutes then Nessa you take all four parents to Krispy Kreme and show them the new doughnuts. Roni and I will set up the house, so if you give us 30 minutes that would be great." I smile, as we drive along the road.

Nessa nods and I look over to see a nervous Flounder. "Whats up babe?" I put my hand on her thigh and smile. "What if they aren't ready to be grandparents yet?" She bites her lip, holding back tears. "They still have another seven months, they will love the baby."

We arrive and walk into the house. We greet our parents and sit on the couches to talk. As planned, Nessa stands up and talks to them. "I have a surprise, I am taking all the parents to Krispy Kreme to get the new flavones of doughnuts and try them! Roni is still on 'bed rest' due to her foot, so her and Collins will stay here. But let's go!" she smiles, helping her mum up and bringing them to the car.

We watch them leave before I rush out to get the decorations. "Streamers, balloons, new grandparent sign, everything is here!" Roni yells, tossing me a streamer. We quickly arrange the pink and blue decor up in the living room, displaying a sign the says 'Welcome Home new grandparents!' That Roni made.

"Perfect. I'm excited." I kiss her, and she wraps her arms around my torso. "I love you. We are going to be parents!" She squeals, sitting down on the couch with me. I nod my head and rest my nose on her cheek, just as the door clicks open.

Veronicas POV

"Those were so good Vanessa thank you." Collins mum says. "Anytime. Roni we are back!" Nessa screams, and I can tell she is excited. All these thoughts rush through my head. What if they are mad? What if one parent wants to be a grandparent and the other doesn't? This is too much work what am I doing? This is a good thing, they will love it. UH IM STRESSED.

I breath slowly as they walk through the door. Everything is in slow motion as their happy faces turn to shock. Collins squeezes my hand. I look up at him. He mouths 'one, two, three.'

"Surprise!" Collins, Nessa and I yell. "Oh my gosh." My mum cries, putting her hands over her face. Collins mother does the same thing. I stand up and get huffed by everyone. "I'm so happy!" Dad grins, hugging me and Collins.

Everyone sits down, still in shock, and we discuss everything like how long I've been pregnant for, are we moving out, do we have name ideas, gender, grandparent names, etc.

My mum decided on Nana, dad on Poppa Paul, and Collins parents on Grandma and Grandad. "I can't believe this is happening." I cry into Collins shirt, he hugs me and I smile. "I love my family."


Me and Nessa start setting up the garage for the video shoot. We are doing the how things were named 2, but all about babies.

After setting up the set we start filming. It takes a long time to film these videos, but it is all fun. "We will have a lot of bloopers from this video!" I laugh at Nessa who fell on the floor. "Well then we will make this bloopers an hour and a half long!" She jokes, standing up again.

Vanessa's POV

I am very proud of Roni and Collins, but I have my own problems to worry about too. I have a cold that is on and off and has been for the past week, it's just really annoying. I have feelings for both Harrison and Chris, and am confused about that because whoever I go for someone will be upset.

I hate making people upset.

I lay on my bed after filming with tiger, thinking about everything when I get a text. "Aaron?" I look at the message, my heart beating fast, not in a good way. I run down the stairs with my phone in my hand and show it too Roni, who looks up at me with fear.

"Why is he texting you this!" She yells, afraid. "I don't know!" I cry, sitting on the couch and hugging her. My parents walk in and read the text too. "Don't worry, we won't let him do anything to you or anyone you associate yourself with okay?" My dad pats my back.

Hey Nessa. Have you heard? Me and Andrea are engaged! I'm sure your jealous. This is your invite to the wedding! It's in three months. Hope you can make it! I've got something really special planned for you, so you better be there ;) lots of love(or not love) A & A

Short chapter. Super late update. Not going to write a long a/n, if your wondering why I haven't updated, msg me. Ily guys thanks for the support x

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