9 - Andrea?

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Collins POV

I wake up to sunlight pouring through the sheets of the tent. I look down to see Veronica sprawled across my lap and the couch, sleeping peacefully. I kiss the top of her head and look around. She did all of this for me. I smile at her and grab a cookie. What? I haven't had breakfast.

She stirs and I stop eating my cookie, causing a few crumbs to hit her in the face. I hold back my laughter, causing my face to go red, and she opens her beautiful brown eyes to look at me. "Morning!" I say, laughing hysterically. She wipes the crumbs off her face and sits up. "Are you eating cookies at 8am?" She asks, giggling a little and checking the time. I nod my head in shame and she collapses on my lap. "I must not give in to temptation!" She says, reaching for the cookie bowl.

I laugh and stretch my longer arm to move it further away. "Cmon!" She pouts, sliding back onto my lap. I go to take a bite out of my cookie when she grabs it and stuffs it in her mouth. "You left me no choice!" She smiles, her teeth full of cookie. I grin and spontaneously start to tickle her, causing her to laugh and fall off the couch.

"What on earth?" Nessa comes bounding into the room followed by Aaron, to find the two of us laughing our heads off, surrounded by cookie crumbs. She shakes her head, picks up two apples from the counter and walks back into her room laughing.

I smile at Aaron and he laughs, following Nessa into their room. "Are they still on for the wedding?" I ask, as we settle down and she crawls back onto my lap. Roni shrugs her shoulders and turns on the tv. I play with her hair as we sit in silence, comfortable silence.

"Are we going to stay together?" She asks me after about five minutes. I look at her surprised and move so I'm facing her. "Forever! We have gone through so much and we will be going through lots more, always together." I grin. She pecks me on the lips and laughs. "That was so cheesy." "Hey, it's what I'm made for." I laugh, side-hugging her.

after another thirty minutes, Vanessa and Aaron exit their room again. "We are going to the store, want anything?" Vanessa asks, tying  her shoe. We both shake our heads and she smiles at us. "Just to be clear, I'm not helping clean up this mess." She says, gesturing to the crumbs and sprawled out blankets. "Well it will have to stay easy then." Roni laughs evilly, smirking at her sister.

Vanessa rolls her eyes and sighs. "Bye weirdos." She laughs, taking Aaron's hand and walking out the door, leaving a loud bang as it shuts. Roni snuggles back up to me and we continue to chat and watching the TV, she somehow managed to make me watch high school musical, again, so her beautiful voice fills my ears as she sings her heart out to her favorite songs.

Vanessa's POV

We arrive at the supermarket and I grab a cart, riding on it like a scooter. Aaron laughs and takes a few pictures of me, before getting out the list and acting like a civilized adult. We shop for about an hour, finding everything we need and being silly in deserted isles.

We pay for our items and load them in the car, when a chick rocks over to us with a smirk on her face. "Well if it isn't my lovely boy, and his ugly stepsister." She wines, hugging Aaron. Aaron looks shocked and pushes her away. "What do you want Andrea?" He asks angrily.

Andreas thick, shaggy brown, curly hair is tied in a messy bun, and has a blue bandana wrapped into the curls. Her full face of caked makeup shines to bright in the sun, showing off her overly highlighted contour on her face. Her tiny waist obviously has had plastic surgery, and her tight fit crop shows off to much than it should.

Her tiny little shorts make the outfit seem more like a Barbie doll, fit with the 6 inch high heels, making her taller than both of us. If she didn't have so much surgery and makeup, she would actually be quite pretty.

"I'm here to see my boy!" She screeches, going in for a kiss. Her face is blocked by mine as I stand in the way, stopping her actions as she hovers over me. "He's not yours anymore." I snarl. "Well, if it isn't little miss kissing. Kissing other boys doesn't seem like a loyal girlfriend now does it?" She says sweetly, showing her perfect,y whitened teeth and smelly breath. "How do you, how does she know?" I whisper to Aaron, turning Aaron. He shrugs and I face Andrea again.

"You don't know the full story, you never will, and you never will actually care. All you want is Aaron to be your hot boyfriend so you can walk around looking basic." I stand on my tip toes so I can see straight into her eyes. I don't know what comes over me, but a rush of energy forces my arm up into her face. "Don't ever, mess with us again." I snap, turning around with a smug look.

I link arms with Aaron and walk over to the passenger seat of the car. "Who are you and where is Nessa?" Aaron asks me stunned, as he pulls out of the park space. "I have no idea, but that felt good and shameful at the same time." I laugh, looking out the window.

Aaron puts his hand on my knee, as he stood at a stop light. "Thank you." He smiles, leaning over and kissing me. "What for?" I ask confused. "I've wanted to punch her for years." He laughs. I laugh and we drive home, ready to tell Roni and Collins the who,e story, but as soon as we walk inside, Aaron falls asleep on the now clean couch. I guess it's up to me to tell them then.

I push Aaron into our room and lay him on the bed gently, before walking out to the living room. I sit on the sofa and begin to tell Roni all about Andrea, while Collins listens next to her. "And then I punched her. I don't know why or how, it just happened." I laugh. "Wow, savage Nessa!" Roni laughs, as we turn on the TV and watch until dinner.

A/N sorry a shorter chapter, and not on time lol. I have no clue what the next chapter should be about, so ideas? Please? Haha ily comment and vote if you like it xx -zozobear

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