42 - Labour?

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7 months later...

Collins POV

We went to the doctors yesterday and they said that Roni is in the third trimester and the baby could pop out any day now. The due date is March 23rd which is only three days away.

I pull Roni in for a hug, her sleeping body pressed up against mine. I hold her belly with our child and smile. "This is our future." I whisper.

She opens her eyes and glances up at me. "I love you." She smiles. I kiss her pretty face. "Now, you need to be resting and ready for that baby to come, so I'm going to make you waffles and you are staying here." I command, standing up all hero like.

She laughs. "Okay superhero, I'm going to call Nessa and tell her about the doctors yesterday, I was too tired then." She smiles. I nod and walk out to the kitchen.

Nessa moved in with Harrison a couple months ago and they are very happy together. The twins couldn't decide who tiger should live with so he is now at their parents house. As for star, who was still with us for a couple weeks after the Aaron thing, Nessa decided to give him up for adoption at the SPCA because he reminded her too much of that jerk.

Now we are all caught up, back to waffles.

I finish my masterpiece and bring it into my lovely wife. She thanks me and turns on the tv, watching breakfast. (NZ news show on in the morning btw). I sit next to her and eat my waffles as well.

When waffles are done I help Roni up to go take a shower. "I'll try not to sing to
Put it might scare the baby." She jokes, Harrison complained about her loud singing last week. "But you have such a beautiful voice!"

She rolls her eyes, blows me a kiss and closes the door. I sit in the lounge after getting dressed, when I hear a scream. "Collins!" Roni yells. I hear the water stop running and rush into my wife.

"I think my water just broke." She admits, her bare legs covered with a non watery substance. "Okay wash that bit off, I'll grab you a dress and some towels for the car and we are going to the hospital." I start to panic, running around grabbing random things.

After three minutes we make it to the car, even though it did involve me carryi her bride style down the stairs.

We sit in the car and I start to drive as Roni calls her sister, her parents, and any other family of ours that need to know now. The traffic lights turn red when we are very close to the hospital and I end up honking my horn in anger.

"Collins calm down." Roni laughs. "Sorry I am just so nervous." I chuckle. "Your nervous? I'm about to give birth!" She laughs again. The light turns green and we get to the hospital. I get a wheelchair for me' lady and push her into the maternity ward.

We get a room and unpack our things. Nessa shows up just after Roni puts on her gown. "Harrison will be here soon he had to finish up his meeting." She says breathless, giving us both hugs.

"I so excited!" Nessa bounces up and down. Me and Roni laugh. "We are having a baby!" Roni repeats, acting like she can't believe it. I am over the moon excited. We have already started thinking of names for our little boy.

Both of our parents arrive soon after a doctor comes in and checks to see Roni is five centimeters dilated. "I am so proud of you!" My mum runs in and hugs me then Roni, and vise versa with her parents and my dad.

"I am really nervous, am I going to be okay mum?" Roni asks quietly. Her mum goes to comfort her as she cries. I feel bad and need to cheer her up so decide to sing some high school musical songs.

"I know the world can see us, in a way that's different from who we are.." I start, looking over at my wife. She laughs and wipes her tears. "Creating space between us, till we're seperate hearts." Nessa sings he next line. I laugh.

"But in faith, it gives me strength , strength to believe..." Me and Nessa chorus, bursting out laughing. "We're breaking free!" Roni yells and the room turns into a musical.

We all sing the last line breathless and Nessa falls into a chair. The doctor walks in with a confused laugh and everyone laughs. "Okay Roni you are 7cm dilated now, so I am going to ask everyone except the baby's father to leave." The doctor smiles apologetically.

One by one everyone leaves the room, wishing Roni good luck, when it is just Roni, Nessa and I left. "Excuse me, but is it okay if I am in the room? I am her twin and need to give support." Nessa approaches the doctor quietly.

"Of course. Now I will be back in 5 minutes with your mid wife who you can get to know before the birth." She smiles, leaving the room. Roni suddenly winces wth pain and me and Nessa both rush over."

"Contraction.." She tenses, releasing a breath. Me and Nessa sigh and sit down in our chairs talking to Roni.

Ten minutes pass and the midwife is in the room. They are just chatting when the nurse pulls away from the machine next to Ronis bed. "Ten centimeters, time to start pushing. Are you ready?" I walk over to Roni and hold her hand. Nessa does the same on the other side.


A/n I decided to cut out a chapter cuz it wasn't necessary but yay the baby's coming whooooooop! Two more chapters folks! xx-zoe

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