17 - Adventures

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Vanessa's POV

After our swimming adventure yesterday we went back to the hotel and slept for the rest of the day. I slowly open my eyes to see Aaron on his phone. I smile and kiss him on the cheek. "Three more days here and then we head to Paris!" I exclaim.

Aaron really wants to go to Paris, and I am so glad that we get to go together. "Ready for our day?" He smiles, hopping out of bed. I nod and walk over to the drawers, choosing out an outfit for the day.

3 days later

"Hey Aaron?" I call out of the bathroom. "Do you know where my toothbrush is?" I ask. We are packing for our next stop to Paris, France. "I already packed in in your makeup bag!" He shouts. "Aw, thank you!" I grin. He's so sweet.

"Ready?" I smile, putting my makeup bag in my suitcase and wrapping Aaron's big cozy sweater around me. It is a colder day today. Aaron nods his head and we walk out of the hotel to the car.

We arrive at the airport and drop off the car. As we head inside an alarm goes off, and everyone is hustled inside the building, and the doors are locked. "Everyone please remain silent, the airport is now on lockdown. Stay away from where you can be seen from the outside."  I grip Aaron's hand tightly as we are silently moved to under a large window next to Krispy Kreme.

"Excuse me miss can you please come this way." A lady who works at the airport whispers, dragging me away from Aaron. I look back at him and he smiles, mouthing 'everything will be okay.'

I get put against a wall with many other people. I have never heard an airport quite so silent. I decide to text Roni what happened, and put my phone on silent. As I look up, a shadow of a person holding a gun appears on the airport wall, causing a little girl to scream and the guy to break the window.

Everyone screams and starts to run. I run over to where Asron was, and when I get there I find no one. I start to panic and hyperventilate, when a pair of families arms warps around me and pulls me close.

I close my eyes and concentrate on my breathing, everything is blurry, I can't see straight, people are shouting at me to stay calm, and all I know is that i black out.

Aaron's POV

"Nessa!" I shouts at Ness, as she lays in the emergency room bed. She opens her eyes slowly, causing a sigh to escape my lips. I kiss her gently before she examines the room. "Wha? What happened?" She asks, sitting up and hitting her head on a light. "Ouch." She mumbles, rubbing her head.

"Well, the shooter came after we got split up. He shot an old man who is in urgent care, and then the security sent him to a police station down town." I explain. "I saw you look around and start to fall, so I ran and helped you up. I tried talking to you but you were zoned out, then you blacked out. I yelled for help and the security took you to the emergency room, and now we are here."

She smiles and hugs me. "That was so scary." She whimpers in my ear. "I know. It's okay now." I smile, letting go of her. I help her up and we walk back into the chaos of people recovering.

"Has our flight been delayed?" Nessa asks me, grabbing my hand. "No, luckily. Your phone was buzzing off the hook by the way." I say, sitting with her on a seat by our gate. She takes out her phone and stares at it.

"Who is it?" I ask, looking over her shoulder. "Roni. I texted her saying there was a shooter, and didn't text again because he came in, and I passed out, and you know." She types quickly on her phone, holding it up to her ear.

"I'm okay Roni. Aaron helped me. Yes he was inside and shot a guy, he lived. Yeah I know. I am still shocked. Aaron's great. Okay, talk later, enjoy your trip. Love you. Bye." She hangs up the call and leans on my shoulder.

I love Roni like a sister, but I get annoyed when she steals Vanessa from me. I get it, they are twins, but todo they really have to do everything together?

Our gate is called and we board our flight, getting an extra safety warning before we take off. I hold Nessas hand the whole time, and before you know it, we arrive in Paris. We drive to our hotel and settle in. We are here until the twins birthday in August, and I am so happy.

Message flops onto the bd and I laugh, flopping next to her. "I love you." She yawns, Resting her head on my shoulder. "I love tou too." I smile, picking her up and tucking her in, before getting in myself and falling asleep.

A/N sorry about the in-activity and short chapter :( I will try and post more since I am on school holidays for two weeks! Yay! Anyway. Thanks for reading, and thanks for 2k! Keep voti and commenting so I know you are liking the story. Xx - zozobear

( follow me on Twitter @zoe_of_the_bear. If anyone wants to start a chat or group chat about the twins hmu)

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