11 - Arguement?

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Vanessa's POV

We finish eating and help Devan and the cook with the dishes. It's nice that he apologized in a kind way, and wants to be friends again. I am always up for second chances because love is Kindness, Respect and Forgiving.

"Hey Ness?" Aaron says from the corner of the room. I put down my tea towel and walk over to him. "What's up?" I smile, hugging him. "I don't feel to good." He says slurry. "Are you okay? What do you think is wrong?" I ask concerned. "I think he poisoned the food." Aaron slurs. "Aaron he wouldn't do that." I say, starting to panic now.

"Devan!" I yell, sitting Aaron down on the chair. "What's wrong with Aaron? What was in that food?" I ask. I look around and Roni nor Collins is to be seen. "Poison." Devan says with a smirk, holding the knife he was washing close to his chest. "What!" I yell, moving away from him.

Aaron all of a sudden starts to cough up blood. "Aaron!" I scream, rushing to his aid. "Devan why did you do this!" I splutter, searching for my phone. "It's right here sweetie pie." He coos, slicing my phone with the knife.

"Devan please..." I whimper, tears rolling down my cheeks. "Why?" I ask, as he comes closer with the knife, slitting Aaron's throat. "Devan!" I scream, letting him emotions take over. "Nessa..."Aaron whispers. "Yes, what is it doughnut?" I ask, cradling him. "Nessa... Nessa...Nessa..."


"Nessa!" I shoot open my eyes to find myself lying on the couch in Devans house. "Nessa! You fell asleep for like 2 hours." Roni laughs. I sit up and run to hug Aaron, keeping my distance from Devan, who coincidentally is holding a knife, washing it.

"Bad dream?" Aaron coos in my ear. I nod my head. "It's alright. Everyone is safe here." He smiles. "We should be heading home. See you later Devan!" I say, grabbing Aaron and Ronis hands and pulling them to the door.

"Nessa!" Roni says, pushing my hand away. "Me and Collins are going to that event tonight remember?" She says, walking back inside the house. "But what about game night?" I ask her with a frown. When we moved Into our apartment we decided to make Friday night game night.

"You can stay here and play?" Devan asks. "Sorry Dev, I...we can't." I stutter, grabbing Ronis hand. "Nessa please!" She shoots her hand away from me and sends me a glare. "I need to be there for Collins." She smiles warmly, causing me to smile back. No. She is not ruining this night, I had something special planned for all of them, to say 'thank you for helping me go to Devans and give him a second chance!' Long name I know.

"But Roni I have a surprise for all of you and it can't be any other night than tonight!" I say, slapping my hands over my mouth once I say it. Whoops. "Nessa, you know I love your surprises but I have to go to this event with Collins! We have been planning it for weeks!" She shouts, getting angry now.

"But I spent time, effort and cash into making the surprise great!" I yell. Aaron and Devan have backed into the lounge at this point, sitting with Collins. "Nessa! There will be other opportunities for you to surprise me!" She yells. "Why are you being so difficult!" I yell back, my voice cracking. "Your being difficult!" She screams.

"Nessa can you think about someone else and not your stupid surprise for once?" She yells, causing tears to form in my eyes. "Roni I'm s..." "No! You've set me off now Nessa. Please just go." She wipes a tear from her eye, trying to stay strong. "It's not even your house." I mutter, before walking outside. "Thank you for the dinner Dev." I mumble before breaking down in tears.

"Why do my dreams have to be so stupid!" I scream, unlocking the car. This all happened because I couldn't stay at Devans house to play a game because of an ugly dream. I sit in the passengers seat and sob into my knees.

I wait and wait for Aaron to come out but he doesn't. I pick up my phone and ring him, and it goes straight to voicemail. "He wants me to come inside again, and sort things out. Screw him." I mumble, hopping to the drivers seat.

I start the engine and drive home, all the while thinking of Roni. I arrive home safely and unlock the apartment, to be faced with the surprise I set up for her and the others. I sit down next to Tiger and cuddle him, crying silently into his fur. "Why did this have to happen?" I ask his furry little face. Even though he doesn't answer, he gives me a lick which makes me feel a bit better about Roni.

Veronica's POV

"And she knew we had this event to go to!" I say into Collins blue eyes. He gives me a kiss on the cheek. "It's okay. Go home and comfort her, this is only a magic event, there are a few more." He smiles. "Why didn't you tell me?" I say standing up.

"I thought you could only make today! I checked your calendar and you were busy on Monday and Thursday next week." He grins sheepishly. "Well my plans just got cleared. I don't know whether to punch you or kiss you." I say half angered.

"Both?" He suggests. I smack him in the face gently, them kiss him soft. "Great, Nessa has the car." I state, looking out the window. "I'll come back with you." Collins grins. We all thank Devan and walk to Collins car.

"You two stay here, we need some sister time. But if I run back down here, gap it." I laugh, stepping into the cold weather. I pick up the Krispy Kreme that we picked up on the way and wrap my jacket around me, warming me up, I slowly make my way up to the apartment.

I knock on the door, hearing shuffling inside. Nessa opens the door looking sad and teary-faced. When she sees me she pulls me into a hug, crying into my shoulder. I close my eyes and hug her back, dropping the doughnuts to the floor. "I'm sorry, I should've known your event was important." She sniffs.

"No I'm sorry, Collins didn't tell me there are two more events on Monday and Thursday ." I smile. She smiles and picks the doughnuts up from the floor, walking inside. "Ta da!" She smiles, closing the door and walking to the slide door. I gasp in astonishment at what she did to the balcony.

There are beanbags, pillows, blankets, stuffed animals and duvets stuffed on one half of the balcony - we have a larger balcony than the other apartments - and the other side has a small table with Nessas computer set upon it.

There are 4 trays of treats, cookies, chocolate, all our favorite candy, popcorn and marshmallows. They all have a name labeled on it, Aaron, Nessa, Roni and Collins. Underneath each name is a nickname, Doughnut, Butterfly, Flounder and Superhero.

There are candles lit on the banister of the balcony, and fairy lights attached around the edge. The pillows and duvets have been sort of split into two sections, assuming to make it feel like a double date. Behind the computer on the table there are some of our favorite board games and movies.

"Nessa!" I smile, hugging her again. "This is amazing, you know how much I love movie nights." She squeezes my hand, and I quickly text the boys. They come out onto the balcony with the same reaction as me.

We all change into out onesies, pajamas, snuggies, anything warm and cozy. I take a cute Tumblr photo, and put it to Instagram, before diving into all the pillows and cushions. I cuddle a big teddy bear, grinning at Collins. He glares at me and jumps onto the bear, tackling it off me. "Don't ever steal my fiancé again bear." He laughs, putting the bear behind us.

Nessa hands us all our trays and puts on Mulan. The boys groan, knowing me and Nessa will sing along. I snuggle up to Collins, as Nessa does the same with Aaron, and we watch the movie, enjoying this beautiful set up.

A/N SORRRRYYYYYYYYYY plz don't hate me for not updating :( I honestly don't know why I haven't been posting, but I haven't been only very much social media recently, - Meaning Twitter and wattpad - but I hope you forgive me with this cute chapter (near the end) :) ily you all, we are only 12 away from 1k reads on this book! Thank you so much! That's all for now, love youuu xx - zozobear

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