3 - Bro day

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Collins POV

I am very excited, but also nervous for the wedding. We really wanted it in the park, sedimental to just us, but it's okay I guess. I am little mad that Vanessa and Aaron have to share our special day, but I get to marry my one true love, so I can't be that upset.

Me and Flounder wake up and snuggle watching Netflix for a couple hours before we decide to wake. I kiss her on the head and step onto the cold hard floor. I quickly get changed, aware of the peeking Veronica behind me. "Why you looking at me?" I asks her, turning around when I am fully clothed. "Because your gorgeous." She smiles. I laugh and peck her on the lips before skipping out to the kitchen.

Veronica and Vanessa are going to look at wedding dresses today, so me and Aaron are going to Hang out, possibly go laser tagging, and look for tuxes at the end of our day. I start the coffee machine and give Aaron a smile as he emerges from his bedroom looking tired.

"Want some coffee bro?" I ask as he sits on the couch. "Yes please." He nods, switching on the tv. I make us both a cup and sit down next to him on the couch. He puts on Survivor and we both watch intently, until our fiancés exit their rooms.

"Aw, bromance!" Nessa coos, making a heart with her fingers and holding it up in the air. I put one arm around Aaron and wiggle my eyebrows in the girls direction, causing them to laugh. Roni slips and falls on her butt, so everyone, especially me, laughs hysterically. "Are...you...okay?" I asks in between laughs. She nods and sits up, her laughter fading.

The twins come and sit with us, and we all chill out for another 15 minutes. "Oh Roni we need to go! The stores open!" Nessa says brightly. Roni smiles and rushed into her room to get ready. After half an hour and the start of a new episode, the twins come out of their rooms, Roni looking stunning. Nessa too, but that's awkward. I'll let Aaron deal with her, and I'll stick with my girl.

"Bye Collins! Have fun on your guys day." She laughs, kissing me on the head. I squeeze her hand as she walks away. "Love you flounder." I smile. "Love you more." She blows me a kiss, along with a very dramatic wink, and they both leave. "So, what do you want to do?" I ask Aaron, putting my empty cup on the table. He shrugs his shoulders.

"I know some people at that tramp place, we could get a discount?" Aaron asks. I nod my head in excitement. "Yeeeeeh!" I yell. "Oops, not YouTube." I laugh. I ring up some of my friends and ask if they want to come along, Aaron does the same. We soon have arranged a group of 6 people, me and Aaron included.

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We arrive at the tramp park and we all run in immediately. Our one hour starts and the boys dash in and start jumping around excitedly. "Oi guys we should jump three backflips in a row on three tramps in a row!" One of my friends Jarred laughs. "What?" I laugh in confusion.

I take out my camera and start filming the excitement. Aaron films me doing a backflip and landing on my back. "Yo guys that has never happened before, watch this, yeeeeh!" I say embarrassed, before attempting another backflip and successfully land it. I fist pump the air and we continue bouncing and doing tricks until our hour is up.

Veronica's POV

Collins texted me he was at the tramp park with a bunch of friends, I can't wait to see that video. Meanwhile me and Nessa are in our third wedding dress store, and we've been in each one for at least an hour before switching. "How pretty is this!" Nessa holds up a nice white and gold dress. I look up from my phone and nod. "Cute." I say blandly.

Nessa puts the dress back and grabs my phone from my hand. "Nessa!" I try and grab my phone back but she saw what I was doing. "Roni! Your look into change your wedding dates?" She asks me with a sad face. I nod my head.

"Me and Collins want you guys to have your special day, and for us to have ours. I found three other wedding planners in California that are interested in the park wedding." I smile. Nessa comes and hugs me. "You don't have to give up your day for us. We can change." She smiles. I shake my head. "Nessa it's fine. Really! You two have it." I smile a huge smile, seeing my sister this happy makes me happy.

We continue looking for dresses in the store, and Nessa tries on the gold and white one. "I like it Nessa." I nod my head in approval again. "Okay, I'm getting it." She grins like a maniac and goes and pays for the dress, leaving me to look and some more on the rack.

"Found any you like?" Nessa says, skipping back over to me. I shake my head. "Maybe next time." I smile. She smiles and we link arms as we walk out of the store. We walk into Starbucks on the way to the car and order our usuals. As we are sitting waiting for our order, we see Liza walk in.

"Liza!" We sync, standing up to hug her. "Hi girls! I haven't seen you in a while, oh, pretty rings!" She wiggles her eyebrows, causing us to laugh. She quickly orders her drink and we sit down at a table chatting. "I seriously ship Vollins and Vaaron so much by the way." She laughs. I smile and look down at phone that just vibrated.

I stare at the notification with wide eyes. Our drinks are called and we grab them, me still looking like a wide eyed chinchilla. "Nessa we need to get home now." I say, dragging her out of the store. "Oh, okay. Bye Liza!" She waves, before getting pulled to the car by myself.

"Roni, what's up?" I ask concerned, and she doesn't respond. "Why are you so quiet? Are you going To tell me why we need to get home?" I ask. "I'm confused." She mumbles. "Why are you confused?" I ask, confused myself. "The Dolan twins." She mumbles. "What?" I ask again. "The Dolan twins posted a different video. I got the notification. I think we should watch it immediately." She says, looking at me, before turning her vision back to the road. What does she mean?

A/N Sorry, I don't have an uploading schedule. I just update when I can. Also, I wrote the next chapter and was going to publish it, before I realised that I hadn't wrote this one ahaha. So expect the next one tomorrow :) Keep voting and commenting, we are already on 100 reads and it's only the third chapter! Ah! Thanks so much, ily guys. Xx -zozobear

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